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Status Updates posted by Multiverse

  1. Any art to be posted anytime soon? :)

  2. 38*28*7*77*22*20*

    I guess I´m wrong, anyways...

  3. /uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png" />

  4. You appearently don´t know what I´m capable of doing... >:-J

  5. 2 rivals? Want one more? I´m only 4121 posts behind you. :P

  6. The point is that today is tomorrow´s yesterday. ;)

    But except for that, there´s no furthe meaning.

  7. Hmm, I think the walker is choosing the path, in most cases. ;)

  8. Umm, yes, welcome. =)

  9. Wow, Cool name!

  10. Hmm, I liked #6. But the fifth was also pretty good.

  11. Sorry about the double comment. :(

  12. Oh. It´s just because your profile says you´re an Artemis Fowl reader.

  13. Oh. It´s just because your profile says you´re an Artemis Fowl reader.

  14. Yay, Artemis Fowl. ;]

  15. I´d like to. =)

  16. Oh yeah, The "Great dataclysm"... >

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