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Status Updates posted by Multiverse

  1. Welcome to BZPower! =)

  2. I´m going to Lego World in Copenhagen today!

  3. And your Personal Messenger. ;)

  4. Oh, I see that now...

  5. "Don´t mess with Metus", "Cutest Bionicle Character", "Top ten of parts"...

  6. How can your post count still be 3999, when you´ve just posted?

  7. Well, it has done it to me. :/

  8. Cool!

    ´bout the comments, nevermind. ^_^

  9. Hello! =D

    Yes, Artemis Fowl is awesome!

    You like them, too? :)

  10. Hey! I have no idea why I haven´t noticed you before, but your art is awesome!

  11. Umm, I think I just gave you 5 stars.

    Oh, and Hi. :)

  12. And I first noticed it now?


  13. Whoa! I´ve got a one-year-vahi! I thought that was only avaible to Premier Members!

  14. Hellouw!

    Ø Ø


  15. Hello. :)

    Welcome to BZP.

  16. Hey, awesome artist! You´re fantasticly talented, you know that?

    I guess you do. Anyways, you´re cool!

  17. Why don´t you get an avatar? :)

  18. Hello. If you have any problems on BZP, feel free to contact me.


  19. Hey, your 3D-artworks are awesome!

  20. Lol, I know Bejeweled, too! :D

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