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Toa Tarkana

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Status Updates posted by Toa Tarkana

  1. Luna Eclipse was good, but now I want more Luna. I NEED MORE.


  3. Your new Interests List made my day. XD

  4. Why has Turakii.com changed?

  5. *Surprise Birthday Glomps*

  6. Sweet! I've got my own holiday! *happydance*

  7. Late Merry Christmas!

    (I was gone all day yesterday =P)

  8. But I don't want to polka with all 127 Pokemon!

  9. Thanks! Awesome song, huh?

  10. Me. =P

    Or rather, the skeleton dude in my avatar.

  11. It's a pretty good song, isn't it?

  12. Haven't read enough of him yet to know; I'm still waiting for my library to let me check out Black.

  13. Waaahh!! You're a boy again!!

  14. I actually found TFK first. =P But FM Static is pretty good, too.

  15. The Books of History Chronicles = WIN.

  16. I actually don't have it yet. =P But I hope that changes soon.

  17. Oh Noes! The pictures in you blog are broke'd!

  18. Aahh!!! Run, guys, RUN! She's using old-people words!!

  19. *Knocks on door* Ding dong. Ding dong, yo. Anyone home? Helloooooo?

    Oh, looks like nobody's home. The T.P.-ing can commence! >=D

  20. Take your time, Miss Lavasurfer, take your time.

  21. Oh noes! Your inbox is full and I can't send you our latest PM! D=

  22. Umm...I can;t think of anything...er...

    This was a triumph,

    I'm making a note here,


  23. Yes, it is. RED is FTW!

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