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-Dark Templar-

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Posts posted by -Dark Templar-

  1. There are basically infinite amounts of possibilities for this.Well, any of the physical elements (water, ice, air, stone, etc.) could be summoned in large quantities inside of an enemy's limb/torso/head/etc. for an instant, rather messy removal of the targeted part, not that Lego would ever permit something like that to actually be shown...Gravity could be massively amplified in carefully selected specific regions of the body, such as a specific muscle or structural armor component, to cause permanent injury/incapacitation of that part.Air could be used to create an air supply or even a surrounding bubble of air underwater to allow underwater breathing (I remember an early comic where Lewa dove underwater and almost drowned, and I always wondered why he didn't do this).Light could be used to create a very precise arrangement of lasers aimed toward each other, which, when a deuterium/tritium pellet is added to the middle, causes an inertial-confinement fusion reaction which produces massive amounts of energy. :P

  2. Ok, this is adorably awesome. Some of the techniques you've used here are great. However, something's bugging me a little - what/who is the tan Matoran supposed to be dressed as...?

    Pretty sure it's supposed to be a Rahkshi, hence the Rahkshi head/upper torso armor on his back and the weapon he's holding. Anyway, this is a great little scene, I love the ideas for the costumes. The Toa has a few flaws, such as the skinny shoulders, exposed back, and the gap in the armor around stomach-level when looking from the front, but nothing too significant or that can't be fixed easily. Just put something orange on the lower back, stick a few pieces on the shoulders, and it'll already be much better.
  3. I pretty much have lost interest. Before the downtime I remained on BZP pretty much because of MOCing, and when the forums went offline I lost a lot of the incentive to build (even though I participated and uploaded MOCs to a couple other websites to compensate). And now that the forums are back, the urge to MOC isn't really returning, plus I don't have much time for it.

  4. Probably the power to control the flow of time. I'd fast-forward through the boring parts of my life, and when I am close to death, I would just rewind and do everything differently that time. I'd basically be immortal, and I wouldn't even get bored of life, because: 1) I could do different things each time, as mentioned, and 2) if I did get bored I could just rewind to when I was a baby and I'd have forgotten everything. :P

  5. One, which I am currently speaking. Yo sé un poco espanol tambien, porque yo tuve que aprender el español en mi escuela por dos años. But I don't consider that actually knowing the language. I've already forgotten a lot, and even if I remembered everything I would be completely incapable of actually having a conversation in Spanish. Yes, I just looked up those ASCII codes just so I could write that.

  6. Uh I liked the TRON: Legacy soundtrack. :B I usually don't even notice music in a movie.

    TRON all the way, I like how Daft Punk managed to do some fine orchestra, even if what they usually make is electronic and house. Also, Super 8's soundtrack was also pretty great. Michael Giacchino, Brad Fiedel and Danny Elfman are some examples of great composers. :P
    I read that Daft Punk actually got a third person to arrange what they wrote for the orchestra, seeing as how they obviously didn't have any previous experience writing parts for violins, cellos, etc. - I'm assuming that they initially produced everything on synths. Anyway, I enjoyed the Tron Legacy soundtrack also, the blend of symphony/electronics was interesting. I enjoy quite a few other film soundtracks, too. Hans Zimmer and John Williams are great, obviously.
  7. Cave Johnson - Mike Morasky aka Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory Back to Portal again... Edit: Well apparently that isn't actually the title of one of the songs, I must have been thinking of some title read from a filename or something I saw on [you all know what video site] before the soundtrack was officially released. Probably should have checked before posting... So I have officially screwed up the game.

  8. You, sir, are awesome. I love the simplicity of this MOC, and the smooth surfaces of the HF armor match the protoss aesthetic very well. I can imagine that if Lego were to release a series of Starcraft MOCs, this is how they could make the zealot. Plus it's a protoss, which means I would have liked it anyway even if it were terribly designed. Only problems I see are:1. It's missing the armor loops over the shoulders (which can be done with tubes, though that would be difficult with the limited connection points on that torso)2. The way the nerve extension is attached to the head is awkward - well, basically that whole head piece is awkward. If you want to make the nerve extension really look like it's coming out of the back of the head, you could try a custom head similar to the head on my version of the zealot (or you could copy it, I don't really care), though I don't know how well that would blend with the smooth design of the rest of the MOC.3. The entire "skeleton" structure of the limbs should be grey as protoss skin, I see some yellow parts in there. But then again, I've never used LDD so I don't know its limitations. Nice work overall. Oh, and if you have Starcraft 2 PM me with your character code and I'd be happy to join you sometime for some 2v2s or something. :P

  9. 2/5

    Is that the mouth of a giant bug? A crab claw? A badly-damaged planet? Is it explosive?

    It's the silhouette of a new Protoss unit that's being added to Starcraft 2 in the upcoming Heart of the Swarm expansion pack. Nobody knows exactly what it is yet, though actually we'll find out tomorrow in the demo at Blizzcon. General consensus is that it's some specialized air unit.
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