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-Dark Templar-

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Posts posted by -Dark Templar-

  1. Well then, let this become the official topic, mine's already pretty much dead... I can't wait for the HotS preview tomorrow, I need to know what those unit silhouettes are and how they will certainly completely break the existing game. :P Also ghosts need a nerf, EMP is too good vs P and snipe is too good vs Z. I think the problem with EMP is that you can't retreat if you get hit, which would be the logical thing to do. In BW, the terran mech army was so immobile, if a science vessel EMPed your army you could just back away and recharge your shields - you might lose a bit of map control, but your army lived. In SC2, if you try the same thing, terran just stims and chases you down and you lose everything. An easier way to fix it might be just to make it dodgeable - make the missile slower and a lot more obvious. Or move it to raven, so terrans can feel what it's like to spend 200 gas for AoE damage. :P I play protoss, should've been pretty obvious from that... </balance rant>

  2. 1. Of course I have, everyone changes constantly2. My position, velocity, acceleration, mass, length in all 3 dimensions, average electrical charge, and related functions have all changed - some more than others. Oh, and my telomeres shortened, unfortunately.3. Pretty much everyone I know has experienced very similar changes to those I explained4. Ghosts are overpowered in both lategame TvP and TvZ. EMP needs a nerf, possibly snipe as well.

  3. Were those headcrab zombies the main enemy, or mostly contained in Ravenholm?

    They're mostly in Ravenholm, the main enemies are the Combine soldiers (although they aren't completely restricted to Ravenholm).
  4. So...I'm a Starcraft player who usually gets my butt kicked unless I'm playing a custom game (Or I'm playing on a team). What are the best strategies to use when playing with Zerg?

    Basically what Zedd said, they are a macro oriented race. Generally you'll want to make as many drones as possible, which involves expanding early and making as few combat units as possible. Of course to avoid being crushed by any early all-ins you need to scout a lot - poke into their base with a couple of zerglings every once in a while, keep units at watchtowers, spread creep well. Often you'll want to sacrifice an overlord into their base after several minutes to try to determine their build. As soon as you see them start to push out with their army, start spamming as many combat units as possible - just enough to hold off the attack. Later on, your economic advantage will allow you to just out-produce them. What league are you anyway? Idk, you could be diamond league and all of what I just said would be incredibly basic... If you have more specific build order questions and stuff, I play protoss so I'm not quite as knowledgeable on those, but I'll do my best (or refer you to better sources).
  5. Mindbender - Zircon Also, it might not be that important, but:

    The exception is rock, since it has a multitude of genres, such as Alternative, Grunge, and Metal.

    This pretty much applies to every music genre... Electronica has house, trance, techno, dubstep, drum and bass, breakbeat, big beat, etc.Jazz has swing, bebop, post-bop, latin, fusion, etc.I could list some more...
  6. This is probably the best line of HF sets so far. The color scheme and design of especially the villains has definitely improved, and it's nice to see at least a little bit of creative part usage on the heroes, such as the turbines + tubes on Furno. I'm still not buying any though. Also the top part of the launchers reminds me a bit of the midak shooters, it's probably the pattern of holes.

  7. Because this amazing competitive RTS and e-sport deserves a topic. Feel free to discuss anything - Brood War, SC2, strategy, upcoming expansions and new units, the pro scene, etc.

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