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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    It's baaaa-aaaack!
    Our game starts in two weeks. I've already made a squad.
    I think it's gonna be a good game this semester.
  2. Bfahome
    Ten years ago today, at least according to Wikipedia, the first episode of Ōban Star-Racers aired. To this day it has its place alongside Avatar and Code Lyoko as some of my favorite animated TV. Unlike those, however, the story only spanned one season and it seems like not as many people remember it.
    Having bought and read "The Art of Oban Star-Racers" gave me a new appreciation of the effort put into this show. And before that, I'd managed to snag a couple of t-shirts from the Oban Fan Shop, which unfortunately seems to be down indefinitely.
    I'm not the only one celebrating, either: this page went up to celebrate its original April debut in France, and has a bunch of behind-the-scenes art and stuff. Seriously, this show looked fantastic.
    (Also, the avatar I had before Sabine was Molly/Eva. Guess I missed that mark by a year or so, oh well.)
  3. Bfahome
    Over the years, I feel it's become less fascinating.
    Back in the day I relied on the promos to tell me when things came out. Heck, I didn't know about the Bohrok until I saw them on a shelf in a toy store. I truly wondered what they did and what they were. From the back of the package it looked like they had two masks even (faceplate and Krana). I didn't know how they worked until I saw a commercial.
    Even the story held some mystery.
    Now I'm a member on several BIONICLE sites and I know almost everything, and I know about sets long before they are released. I am also much older, so I'm able to comprehend more.
    But most of the loss can be attributed to stuff like BS01, BZP, and Brickshelf. Any potential surprises are made publicly viewable for thousands before anyone has a chance to find out.
    In order to preserve BIONICLE's mystic feel, steps must be taken.
    It's simple: kill the Batman.

    Wait, no that's not it.
    In order to preserve the magic, we must destroy the internet.
    WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?
  4. Bfahome
    Looking to build this fella, have the body basically worked out but hit a massive wall when it comes to the head.
    Anyone know of any good techniques for things like the hair? Or even the head overall. It should be about 1.5x-2x the size of the average Kanohi to be accurately scaled to the body.
  5. Bfahome
    So I've made my way into the real world and with that comes restrictions, in this case space restrictions. I'm not living in a place where I have enough space for everything, including my LEGO collection. So for the moment it looks like I'm going to be prioritizing other hobbies and creative outlets over my LEGO stuff. Gonna see if I can get back on that Mandalorian armor and some other things I'd abandoned.
    Basically I came to this realization when I decided to plan a short trip back home to grab some stuff. I felt like I could either bring the LEGO stuff or the costume stuff, and the fact that it's coming up on summer coupled with the fact that I have a workspace and access to tools again, and on top of that the ability to actually go places now, means that for the short term I'm gonna try with the costume stuff.
    I still come here every day and I'm not gonna stop buying new LEGO stuff though. So it may not be the darkest age but still a bit of a step away.
  6. Bfahome
    That white piece on the Makuta head that I wanted to replace? I received exactly one of them in black in my big bag o' BioniLUG bits.
    Talk about service!
    (And then the cool engraved brick too.)
    And three more prototypes for the prototype pile. A dark red/black Zamor, reverse-colored dark green/lime Carapar chest, and a Vastus scythe that looks like the final colors but might not be? Not sure, don't have the actual piece to compare. Whether or not it's visibly different I don't care, because I like the piece anyway.
    Also guys I am going to be writing the best set review ever but it's going to take a bit of time because of reasons.
  7. Bfahome
    It was really brief, but apparently the owners had just merged it with Brickshelf all those years ago instead of taking it offline but nobody had realized, and all you had to do was append something to the Brickshelf URL to access all of it.
    I miss Majhost.
  8. Bfahome
    Oh nooooo, I've started to work up a character concept based on that leg. ;__;
    Oh well, I guess I'l just be wholly unsatisfied with myself until I actually build it or I get distracted by another idea.
  9. Bfahome
    Evolution edition!
    I think the new towers look cool, but they don't fit as well as the old ones. Especially since there's been no acknowledgement of the change.
    Made this on a MLP server. Harvested the wool myself!
  10. Bfahome
    SO MANY wonderful parts acquired at BrickFair. This uses many of them, including the mask. Also so many pneumatic T pieces and flick-fire missiles.
    (I need silver Rahkshi heads, I feel like it'd help with the color distribution more.)
    Also this thing that I threw together one weekend then decided to bring to the convention. Many things, including the OTCs, were added there.
  11. Bfahome
    Guess what? We get to do a lab on Thursday!
    "Then what's with the title?" you ask.
    We have to do a prelab and a formal lab report. The background information is due tomorrow. The lab report is due a day after the lab, on Friday. Which means I'll be working on it Thursday night. Which is my birthday night. To top it all off, my mom has some meeting that night, too.
    Our school is a mess. The teachers photocopy lined paper because the school can't afford to buy any. Extracurricular activities will likely be cut. My AWC teacher started to cry because she wasn't going to be there next year. It sucks.
    Anyone want to let me move in?
  12. Bfahome
    So I've applied to work at both the LEGO Store in Burlington, MA, and the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Somerville, MA. Basically just retail work, but it would be something a bit more personally interesting than what I've done that past couple of summers. A bit more consistent, too.
    And there's the plus of being able to see people I barely ever get to see because while I spiritually live in Massachusetts I've been physically stuck in Maine my entire life.
    Also, I just looked at the word "Massachusetts" for too long so it stopped seeming like a word.
    Anyway, here's hoping one of them hires me.
  13. Bfahome
    The final member of the team is on the way to being done, with a few bits of placeholder armor in gold for the time being. I'll need to find some tan shells in places other than Grievous, because I like Grievous.
    And don't worry, even though the torso isn't flipped like on the original I still put a gear on his butt. Just couldn't find a nice way to attach the head otherwise.
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