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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Look at this picture.
    Here is the comment.
    Here's the comment before that one.
    Now, if we use logic, we can deduce that I made the one-thousand, three hundred thirty-seventh comment in GregF's blog.
  2. Bfahome
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «If… 
    Skrall is the name of the tribe.
    Individuals in that specific tribe are referred to by the tribe's name.
    Tribes are mixed gender.
    Skrall can be a she. :3
    If you don't know what I'm talking about then you don't know what I am talking about.
  3. Bfahome
    I thought they'd at least wait until they got some official pics or bios or something.
    I was wrong.
    Turns out they can complain about the entire year based on the single paragraph that's released as promotional material.
    Maybe I should say "Overestimated" instead.
  4. Bfahome
    It's almost amusing that people try and "correct" other people on that, saying it's not "proper grammar", when the people doing the "correcting" don't even have good english grammar.
    Also, it's BIONICLE, not Bionicle. If you want to nitpick I can too.
  5. Bfahome
    So I was thinking "Hmm I should post something highly original today" and then I thought "Oh I'll post an ask entry no one does that".
  6. Bfahome
    Billy Mays is payed by the decibel. He makes millions.
    Billy Mays has never actually had to use Oxy-Clean; he just yells at the stain, and it will disintegrate. Along with the shirt.
    GO GO GO
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