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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Bfahome

  1. Ah, but THIS robot has Admin powers. ;D

  2. Come along and see what's new, at Animal Junction we're waiting for you.

  3. Dude, we have the same number of posts. O_o

  4. Haappy biiirthdaaay~




    |≈ ≈ ≈ ≈|



  5. So I herd u liek gardening.

  6. Where's it from? O.o

  7. Name change fail.

  8. So, you're the lucky one, eh? :P

  9. I never bothered to try. ˘\_(O_o)_/˘

  10. Two wordz:

    "Viking horn" :D

  11. Yay Ussals! :3

  12. Congrats on the staffiness. :D

  13. *giggles through a megaphone*

  14. Your name reminds me of a webcomic. O_o

  15. idunnolol¯\_(°_o)_/¯

  16. If you really want to help enforce the rules, you can set it so that you have to approve comments before they go up.

  17. I wear boots. O.o

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