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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Bfahome

  1. If you really want to help enforce the rules, you can set it so that you have to approve comments before they go up.

  2. It's prob'ly 'cause I tried putting in the pic from my BS01 userpage (which failed :P).

  3. I think it was Terry. >.>

  4. So, you're the lucky one, eh? :P

  5. Now say that five times fast. :P

  6. I don't like them either. :P

  7. Ah, greetings, my fellow Shadow. >8D Let us go spread the darkness...

  8. @Varaka: What? o.O

    @Cholie: What? O.o

  9. You need a profile pic. :P

  10. My personal statement vanished... O.o

    Believe me, it wasn't kiddie stuff. >.

  11. How would I know? O_o

  12. Greetings, Wise One. *bows* :P I likey Whenua.

  13. You should put an exclamation point at the end. :P

  14. He was kidding. :P Thankee anyway. :)


  16. It doesn't? o.O Boy have I been doing it wrong then...

  17. I've tried that. I prefer tomato sauce. :P

  18. Just look a Hewkii. :P

  19. I gived you a star, but it didn't do much... :(

  20. *gasp* It's so shiny! :D

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