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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    1. Whenever you see a bee, run away screaming.
    2. Spike your hair and color the front purple.
    3. Re-wire the TVs so that instead of Channel 1, you get to watch Code Lyoko.
    4. Draw a Xana symbol on your forehead and act evil for the day.
    5. In the computer labs, tell random people all about what you're doing using big words that no one can understand.
    6. Whenever you meet someone new, ask them if they can keep a secret.
    7. Refer to everyone as their name and then 'dear'. (Ex: Gabby Dear! Mike Dear!)
    8. Randomly during class yell "Impact!" "Lazer Arrow!" or other things like that. (And make motions with your hands like you're beating up things)
    9. Learn French
    10. Call your friends on their cellphones- a lot. (And get a headset to wear with your 'phone.)
    11. Whenever something really rocks, refer to it as 'super nuclear'.
    12. When at school at any time, randomly start singing "Break, Break, Breakdance" REALLY loud.
    13. "Accidentally" call your science teacher Mrs. Hertz- a lot.
    14. Always ask people if they got a nose job.
    15. Make yourself a character card either on the computer or with paper.
    16. Make a diary in which you write lots of weird stuff about evil computer viruses... and leave it out "accidentally" for people to see.
    17. Practice martial arts with a close friend.
    18. Claim that various things which have disappeared (homework, for example) went up into the sky and didn't come back down.
    19. If you finish using a computer and are leaving, hit the 'enter' key and say "Return to the past now!"
    20. Turn in fanfiction for every creative writing assignment.
    21. Do your reports on Japan. (Too bad you probably don't have any traditional samurai armer.)
    22. Whistle the intro to the theme song.
    23. Call your Physical Education teacher "Jimbo".
    24. Skip PE classes, and have your laptop with you every moment.
    25. Hide a pet at school.
    26. Find the pic with the XANA symbol and put it on your desktop or screensavers and tell people that XANA is attacking.
    27. Carry a fan around at school and throw it at random objects.
    28. Dress up as an electrician and regularly check your school's electrical appliances and outlets.
    29. Scream and run every time you see a teddy bear or laughing gas.
    30. Dress up as your favorite character, act like them for a day, and beg your friends to call you by their name.
    31. Make sure you say "strange" instead of "odd" and laugh at those who don't.
    32. Hide in sewers.
    33. (If you skateboard) when you get a running start yell "YEA!" right before you get on.
    34. Draw Xana symbols all over your homework.
    35. Build forts out of lunch tables.
    36. Wear a skirt over pants.
    37. Dye your hair pink.
    38. Get a really cool computer and try to connect to Lyoko.
    39. Bring your camera to school everyday.
    40. Eat everyone's left overs from the cafeteria.
    I can't say where this is from, though.
  2. Bfahome
    What should I use for my edit formatting? The bold/italic I used to use is too similar to B6's. I'd instantly grab purple, but Kex already has that...
  3. Bfahome
    So yeah, me and Necro took down a Spanish Shadow Crow today. It was a big achievement for us.
    We could've beaten the Revenant later, but he had to leave. >_<
  4. Bfahome
    First let me say that making a bowstring is neither easy nor quick.
    Anyhow, I am trying to decide which set to ask for; the Indiana Jones™ Jungle Cutter, or the Mars Mission Crystal Reaper.
    I'm leaning heavily to the CR, but the JC has parts I want too.
    Part wants:

    Crystal Reaper
    - Saw blades
    - White visors
    - Exo-Force robot arms/large fingers
    - Four spears
    - Unique flick-launcher system
    - Black tracks
    And various other things

    Jungle Cutter
    - Saw blades
    - Ants
    - New(ish) gun
    - Missile things (the rocket launcher)
    - Tools
    - Jewels
    An other minor stuff.
    Some other questions:
    How many crystals does the Crystal Reaper come with?
    How well do the flick-fire missiles work?
    K, need decisions now.
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