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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Just watched someone (Coestar) play Oxenfree, and I have to say I am very impressed by it. Visually, I get the same impression as I get from FEZ: the base graphics are very simple, but what the game does with and to those graphics make it look very impressive. Story-wise it's a very interesting take on a supernatural plot, and I didn't really know what's going on until the end… and even then not entirely.
    This isn't really a review because I didn't play it, but I found it interesting. So whether you play it or watch someone play it, check it out I guess.
  2. Bfahome
    This was that silly BBCC entry I was talking about. Decided against entering it because I've already made something better.
    (It's awful not having a decent camera anymore.)
  3. Bfahome
    So, I bought it today. My laptop can't run it, but I'm living with some people and one of them is letting me use her computer for it sometimes.
    I'm not very good at it. Yet! But I did get a play of the game once so that was fun.
    Orisa and Junkrat are leading in play time, followed by Pharah and Tracer and then a little bit of a few others.

  4. Bfahome
    Not Botar. Not Matoro. Lhikan. He sacrificed his power, freedom, then his life. So if you're going to remember anyone, leave some room for Lhikan in your mind. And maybe your sig.


  5. Bfahome
    Today marks the 10th anniversary of Code Lyoko's first broadcast in the US.
    The episode was Teddygozilla, and it was weird.
    I didn't know about it at first. I'm not sure exactly when I discovered it, but I remember the scene that introduced me: Odd was fighting a Blok in the Forest sector. He jumped over it and shot it and it blew up. It was just on TV and it looked cool.
    I'm really glad I found it when I did. This show was my late childhood. Finding out there was going to be a second season was a huge deal. I lost track of it a bit in season 3 I think, but season 4 got me back into it. It's a shame the execs at CN screwed it up so much.
  6. Bfahome
    Grinds his teeth a lot. Fan of the "Kubrick stare", usually while grinning creepily. Makes a low throaty growling sound at random times.
    voiced by: Ron Perlman
    Usually acts calm, but sometimes starts YELLING FOR NO CONCEIVABLE REASON. Often cackles while doing so, even if he's angry.
    voiced by: Mark Hamill
    Occasionally finishes talking much quieter than when he starts, then lashes out if the person listening couldn't hear him.
    voiced by: Kevin Michael Richardson
    Has a tendency to use big words where simpler ones would work. Does this intentionally to underscore his intelligence and to annoy everyone around him.
    voiced by: Steve Blum
    Fond of the Batman tactic of disappearing at the drop of a hat. Doesn't talk much. Never faces away from anyone if he can help it.
    voiced by: Clancy Brown
    Always stares directly ahead, never moving his eyes, only turning his head to look other directions. Makes unnaturally smooth and fluid movements.
    Voiced by: Steve Buscemi
    Head always tilted to one side or the other, though not from a physical deformity. Makes wild eye movements. Constantly moving his mouth like he's talking, even when he's not.
    voiced by: Gilbert Gottfried
  7. Bfahome
    I've never really had trouble using them.
    I only really run into problems when I pull the tail directly back parallel to the top of the blaster, but at a steeper angle they work fine.
    I mean sure they're the weirdest launcher ever but I don't really see what all the big fuss is.
  8. Bfahome
    Sig Guidelines





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