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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    So I got a Steam Controller. So far it seems pretty interesting. I have yet to test it on many games, but it's not cooperating with Distance too well which is a bummer. May have to try it in Half-Life 2 or Portal to see if I get the keyboard-and-mouse-replacing experience it's supposed to give.
    I like using it as a mouse, though. I'm a trackpad kinda guy so it's close enough and seems much more comfortable than trying to use my laptop's trackpad when I'm lounging.
    I wish it was more configurable on its own, though, so I could have custom mouse options even when I don't have Steam open.
    Unrelated, I posted a piano. Check it out.
  2. Bfahome
    This might be happening.
    Which is fantastic. It's been ten years since the original, and we might be seeing another series, be it a sequel or a spinoff, some time soon. I'm really hopeful for this because I loved it when it came out originally and it's still one of my favorite shows.
  3. Bfahome
    Experimenting with more Galidor pieces. I don't imagine anything coming of this specifically, but I think these pieces have an interesting look.
  4. Bfahome
    Been planning to send my MacBook in to get its battery replaced since I updated to Sierra. The suggested cycle count after which to consider replacing it is 1,000, and I'm over 2,000 now.
    (I have been using this laptop for five years, so I suppose this being the first maintenance performed on it is a good thing.)
    One of the things the Apple site suggests is backing up all your data before any repairs, in case of problems.
    So I bought a 1TB external hard drive off of Amazon. Perhaps it's a bit overkill, but it wasn't much more than the smaller ones and I wanted something I could also use in the future.
    Anyway, I split it into two 500GB partitions, one to use as a backup for all the Mac stuff and one for all the Windows stuff on my Bootcamp partition. Still a bit overkill, but hey it's nothing that can't be repurposed down the line.
    The payoff here is that I named the two "disks" Tikki and Plagg and here they are.

  5. Bfahome
    TV show unrelated. Good chill music.
    I also recommend a couple others I've posted before if you have similar music tastes as me and need to listen to something mellowish.
  6. Bfahome
    Hey look, it's more Wolfgun.
    Since it's Halloween, here's some music that's at least marginally thematically appropriate.
  7. Bfahome
    I recently updated iMovie because it promised support for high-resolution and high-framerate videos. After updating, though, I discovered that I would have to update past OS X Mavericks to actually get the update with this support. So I grudgingly updated to macOS Sierra, missing El Capitan by a couple of weeks. The end result is:
    - My battery life has plummeted, and the recharge time has skyrocketed.
    - My Safari was automatically updated, which I had specifically been avoiding because the new Safari UI is garbage.
    - The on-screen volume control indicator is now completely opaque rather than mostly transparent, which is great if I want to adjust the volume while watching something!
    - Sticky Keys no longer recognizes a single push for clicking; previously I could hit the command button and then click a link to open the link in a new tab, but it no longer recognizes this as a command-click.
    But at least it allowed me to update to the latest iMovie with all those cool features, right?
    - iMovie no longer allows custom title fades, so every bit of text will fade in and fade out in the exact same way.
    - iMovie no longer supports 4:3 exports, so if you want to make a 4:3 video you have to export it in 16:9 with black bars on the sides.
    - iMovie no longer allows you to simply highlight portions of the timeline, taking away an easy way to delete portions of a clip.
    - iMovie no longer has little pop-up windows for the clip editing features, instead sticking them all in a little bar over the playback window. So I can't even easily tell how many of those survived the update.
    So yeah, if Bfa Plays ends up looking a little different and weird for the rest of its run, that's why. And if I never want to update my software or OS again, that's also why.
    e: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Turns out the update didn't overwrite the old iMovie, just replaced it. The old version is still available to use, it's just not immediately obvious. So only today's episode will look weird.
  8. Bfahome
    Hey in case you missed it before, I've got two shirt designs up on WLF's Fan Forge. Basically they're candidates to be made into shirts based on how well they're rated.
    They're both Miraculous-themed, because that's how inspiration works for me.
    The first one is based on Cat Noir's "Cataclysm" attack and is a pretty simple black and white design that I've chosen to display on a few shirt color options.
    The second is Ladybug's yo-yo and Cat Noir's staff just sort of sitting around, a bit more complex in color and design and again shown on a few shirt colors.
    So yeah, it'd be helpful for anyone who can to give them a rating, even more so if you actually like them.
  9. Bfahome
    (Vague, general plot spoilers I guess? Not gonna bother with tags.)
    Just finished watching what there is of it.
    It… didn't really grab me.
    Maybe the premise is too grandiose or something (villain rules half the universe but this one robot thing can stop them!) but it feels like there should be a great show in it that I'm just not seeing.
    I mean I have specific likes and dislikes, which I guess I can get into.
    The only characters I really like are Pidge and Hunk, given that Pidge is the techie and has some well-rounded motivations and Hunk is the heart of the team and generally entertaining while also being intelligent. On the other hand, Lance and Keith seem like the Tahu and Kopaka of the team, in that they're mostly there to argue with each other and be the reason the lessons in friendship need to happen and otherwise they seem pretty flat.
    I love a transforming mecha as much as the next guy but the apparent mass-shifting kinda puts me off a bit. Also the transformation sequence is way too drawn out and not very well laid out. It looks like it was designed to hide key aspects of the transformation rather than highlight them, given how the camera moves and zooms in absurdly close on the lions then suddenly they're legs.
    Also, I think the lions look kinda dumb when they're fighting. They'd probably look fine on the ground, but flying through the air just doesn't look right to me. Like their bodies look too bulky but have these little legs trailing behind them. And when they hold those tiny blades in their mouth it just seems like an inefficient way to attack.
    The voice acting and many of the sound effects are pretty great. Not much more to say on that.
    I also liked the humor and the continuity of the humor.
    Finally I think my thoughts on the theme song basically summarize my thoughts on the rest of it. It's almost great. I want to like it. It has a pretty catchy tune. But the entire thing sounds like the intro to a song. Like it's building up and at any moment the rest of the instruments are going to come in and deliver the big triumphant punch. But then that never happens and it just sort of feels a bit hollow.
    I dunno, will probably check out the next wave of episodes but overall I can't really say I'm feeling it that much, and that makes me sad.
  10. Bfahome
    (last entry about this I swear) (probably)
    So… I entered the thing.
    Here's what the final design is.
    Chose three colors of shirt to display it. May as well show what it could look like, since they usually come in multiple colors.
    So yeah, rate it up and share it around if you're so inclined. Here's to another shirt.
  11. Bfahome
    So that last entry was mainly inspired by this thing by WeLoveFine. I guess they sort of just do ongoing contests now instead of big ones? Anyway, I was inspired to come up with a design for it but am unsure about entering it. I entered a previous contest several years ago, didn't win, still got made into a shirt, which was pretty neat.
    Anyway, I'm still conflicted on whether I want to enter or not. On the assumption that it would make it to production, of course.
    - I would have designed two shirts, and that's pretty cool I guess
    - I would get some money. Given I'm still job searching at the moment, that's at least something
    - I don't know how much money. I don't remember if I'm allowed to say how much I got for the shirt but it didn't seem like a lot (though I have no frame of reference for what's normal). And I have slightly different priorities now, then it was like "cool a shirt".
    - Even though they probably won't use it I still have to let WLF use my info. Also I don't really want to just sign away the rights to something I made, even if it's something dumb and simple.
    Also, I accidentally went to the premiere of Kubo yesterday, and it was pretty good. Very well animated, pretty neat.
  12. Bfahome
    It's popped up on Facebook a few times (thanks Aanchir) and what I saw was superheroes and adorable things, so I was like sure I'll see what's up. Saw it originated in France and figured that was a good sign, since my experience with French cartoons has been exceptionally positive.
    So over the past couple of days I watched the existing season, and found it very enjoyable.
    Except for one little thing.
    In my post-watch info scrape I found out that apparently the placeholder voice for Cat Noir was Matthew Géczy, and though I like the final voice actor I am a bit sad that I was this close to having my two favorite 3D French catboys voiced by the same person.

    (what a cutie)
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