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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Man it is GREAT being back with all my LEGO stuff.
    Everything's been at home all summer, and I haven't been. Except for this week because I needed to come stack firewood.
    And I've just been up in my room like crazy, just messing around to see what I can make.
    Already I fixed up Gavla, built the Makuta head, and now I'm trying to reconstruct my Daft Punk helmet's initial stage to see if I can actually try to finish it this time.
  2. Bfahome
    So on Wednesdays, we have a sort of extended homeroom. Then I have US History. After homeroom, I was walking to the classroom and I passed my US History teacher, who was carrying a pan with the few remnants of a cake. I got into the room and put my stuff down, and then he walked in the door and told me to "dispose of" the cake bits. :3
    (also I'm in the class right now lol)
  3. Bfahome
    Toonami. Oh, Toonami.
    The action block of Cartoon Network, it contained lots of anime and otherwise harder-hitting shows than the other hours of the day.
    But what I think really set it apart was the idea behind the narrative. There's a humanoid robot, sitting way out there in his giant spaceship (the Absolution, I mean really, that is an awesome name), beaming television programs into our homes. And he wasn't just there for show, either. TOM and his various incarnations managed to give the ad bumpers personality, along with his swarm of little CLYDEs and SARA. Whether they were marching through the ship, landing on some barren planet to drill into, or bashing the camera across the ground, TOM and his buddies managed to add a little mini-narrative to tie the block together. Honestly, I don't remember that much about the shows they had on. I remember watching Sailor Moon, ReBoot, the Clone Wars shorts, and the first BIONICLE movie, but nothing else sticks out in my mind.
    What does stick out is the sequence of TOM 1 walking down the halls of his ship before jumping into his chair to start the broadcast. TOM 3's awesome bulked-up form (and voice by Steve Blum) and the holographic SARA presiding over that night's boradcast. The stylized logos and bumper pages, and the simple accompanying percussive tracks. The beetle-like CLYDEs boring into the planed and shooting data (or energy? I never figured that out) back up to the Absolution. The amazingly well-put-together trailers and promos for different shows, all narrated by Peter Cullen.
    It wasn't the shows that made Toonami, it was Toonami that made the shows.
    May 26th. Let's hope it's done right.
    In other news, I can no longer put parenthetical comments in the tags section because it is now stupid. I am not happy about this.
  4. Bfahome
    Lots and lots of wind.
    Also it was freaking hot today. Either I misheard the weather report or Portland got into the 90s today.
  5. Bfahome
    It's painful to see it used when the person is actually wrong.
    "Actually, "BZPower" stands for "BIONICLE Zoo Power". "
    "Makuta is the red Toa's name. "
    "I am not typing this. "
    Also, Certavus MOC is done. I'm going to wait to see if I decide to modify it any later.
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