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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    In the loosest sense of the word.
    I've been wanting to make my Arduino do MIDI for a while but blah school and finals and stuff. Now that I'm almost settled into the summer routine of doing nothing other than working all day and making the frequent walk to buy groceries, I can do more things. Going to be working on the Spirit headpiece too, and maybe some other things.
  2. Bfahome
    This is awesome.
    I'm in the cafetorium place with a billion other people. Just finished my lunch.
    Obama just came out.
    People cheered.
    This is awesome.
    (bell just rang, ignoring that lol)
    More introductions…
    COME ON. D8
    blahblah speech rawr
    get on wivvit ><

    I just saw history being made.
    Did you?
  3. Bfahome
    Step 1: Buy Retaliator
    Step 2: Ignore my previous plan to acquire Longstrike barrel, and maybe still get the Stampede bipod.
    Step 3: STILL A SNIPA RIFO, since the Retaliator's barrel extension is rifled and the Longstrike's is not. It's less hassle than buying an extra barrel, and there's a chance it may actually help the dart's accuracy. Also replace Retaliator stock with Raider stock (I already have one) because while the Retaliator stock looks better, it's very short.
    Step 4 (optional): Go back to the original plan, because even if it may not be as effective it still looks pretty boss.
  4. Bfahome
    I've mentioned in a couple places that I'm not really a fan of the big Apocalypseburg set, and I just realized what the best comparison to make would be. This is pretty much how it looks to me: too structured to be a properly "chaotic" environment, but with a bunch of stuff on it making it look just kinda messy.
    In the words of Annie Hughes, "it seems kind of slapped on".
  5. Bfahome
    this is terrible
    [looks over at floor covered in 15 years of BIONICLE clutter]
    how will I ever go on
    [trips over bin of mostly-assembled sets]
    bionicle is gone forever
    [lands on several drawers full of pieces]
    there is literally nothing left for us
    [stands up, numerous weapons and armor bits stuck into skin spell out "every bionicle thing you own still exists"]
    what do we do
    [brushes pieces off, they scatter across piles of MOCs]
    nothing matters anymore
  6. Bfahome
    (Vague, general plot spoilers I guess? Not gonna bother with tags.)
    Just finished watching what there is of it.
    It… didn't really grab me.
    Maybe the premise is too grandiose or something (villain rules half the universe but this one robot thing can stop them!) but it feels like there should be a great show in it that I'm just not seeing.
    I mean I have specific likes and dislikes, which I guess I can get into.
    The only characters I really like are Pidge and Hunk, given that Pidge is the techie and has some well-rounded motivations and Hunk is the heart of the team and generally entertaining while also being intelligent. On the other hand, Lance and Keith seem like the Tahu and Kopaka of the team, in that they're mostly there to argue with each other and be the reason the lessons in friendship need to happen and otherwise they seem pretty flat.
    I love a transforming mecha as much as the next guy but the apparent mass-shifting kinda puts me off a bit. Also the transformation sequence is way too drawn out and not very well laid out. It looks like it was designed to hide key aspects of the transformation rather than highlight them, given how the camera moves and zooms in absurdly close on the lions then suddenly they're legs.
    Also, I think the lions look kinda dumb when they're fighting. They'd probably look fine on the ground, but flying through the air just doesn't look right to me. Like their bodies look too bulky but have these little legs trailing behind them. And when they hold those tiny blades in their mouth it just seems like an inefficient way to attack.
    The voice acting and many of the sound effects are pretty great. Not much more to say on that.
    I also liked the humor and the continuity of the humor.
    Finally I think my thoughts on the theme song basically summarize my thoughts on the rest of it. It's almost great. I want to like it. It has a pretty catchy tune. But the entire thing sounds like the intro to a song. Like it's building up and at any moment the rest of the instruments are going to come in and deliver the big triumphant punch. But then that never happens and it just sort of feels a bit hollow.
    I dunno, will probably check out the next wave of episodes but overall I can't really say I'm feeling it that much, and that makes me sad.
  7. Bfahome
    I had some large pizza boxes laying around last week, so I made this because I was bored.
    My friend has made some noise about crafting things from foam, so I might be able to use this as a sort of template to make an actual detailed Vahi.
    I've also been working on a new Enderman head. Bigger, squarer, and now with added fiberglass instead of only cardboard. And hopefully some lights.
    And finally, more Nerf painting has happened. Made more progress in the past week or so than I have pretty much ever. Painted a Maverick to look metallic and worn, and I'm thinking of stenciling Avak's symbol onto it. I'm also working on the Rainbow Dash CS-18 (second go) and it's actually looking good this time. Rustoleum primer, man. That stuff is magical.
  8. Bfahome
    Just got back* from one of their shows in Portland. It was awesome, I suggest that anyone within a five hour drive buy
    tickets and see them.
    Seriously, Imperial March. Remixed and techo-fied. Live.
    *an hour ago
  9. Bfahome
    It's certainly different than The Glitch Mob's previous work.
    I'm probably going to buy it (having listened to it on the pre-release stream they put out), but I'm going to give it a bit of time first.
    I imagine I'll get used to the different sound, because at first I was a bit iffy about Can't Kill Us, but now I really like it. Skullclub is also growing on me.
    I'll be seeing them live in less than a month anyway so I kind of have to like it.
  10. Bfahome
    This might be happening.
    Which is fantastic. It's been ten years since the original, and we might be seeing another series, be it a sequel or a spinoff, some time soon. I'm really hopeful for this because I loved it when it came out originally and it's still one of my favorite shows.
  11. Bfahome
    Was better than the last one I went to, I think.
    A lot of the stuff was the same, but there were a couple of changes and additions that weren't there before. Most notably of which was a quick Michael Jackson tribute that actually wasn't drawn out or overbearing. During their "electronic jumpsuit" performance (see here to see what I'm talking about), Jason (the one you see on the right) changed Matt's (on the left) suit, and when he "tested" one of the triggers it started playing a small part of an MJ song, and he did a short moonwalk. They got much applause for that.
    I got some videos of a couple of performances, but they're too big for Photobucket. >_>
  12. Bfahome
    Finally got the stuff I ordered.
    So now I have a Nerf Flip Clip, ammo box, and 130 more streamline darts.
    I also bought a couple of LEGO orders online. Some PaB pieces for Evo to armor him up a bit, and a set of 20 Visorak minifigures (they are so cool).
    So now my Nerf drawer is a bit more impressive, Evo is a bit bulkier (and has back armor), and there are 20 tiny spiders glaring at me from my shelf.
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