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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    (PotC Online, see recent entry)
    Sea outpost battles:
    There would be a few smallish outposts all around the oceans, each about the size of two War Galleons and three fairly small stories tall. They would be equipped with many cannons all around them, outside and on the walls. The battle would play out in a similar way to a Flagship battle, but more complex. First, you'd shoot at it until you've caused enough damage. Then you swing over to a ring of land outside the outpost and fight off a bunch of Navy soldiers, EITC guys, or skeletons. Then you'd be able to enter the actual outpost, where you'd find more enemies. After beating them, you'd do one of two things (I though ow two and can't decide between them [maybe they could be combined]):

    Way 1: You and your crew would man the cannons in the outpost while small enemy ships attack your ship. You'd need to beat all of them and keep your ship from sinking, then you gan go back to your ship.
    Way 2: You then go back to your ship and shoot at the outpost until it's completely destroyed.
    (I like the idea of combining these)
    Ship interiors:
    Most ships seemingly have space for an interior. This should be taken advantage of. Galleons and Frigates should have an interior that shows the broadside cannons as if they were actually cannons. You should be able to select a cannon to "use", and the reload time for broadsides would then get decreased by two seconds. The default load time for broadsides should be raised to 20 seconds (I think it's less than that now) to compensate for the gain. The number of crewmen you can have on your ship should also be increased for this (or maybe not, which would make it more challenging). Sloops should probably be excluded, since they're small anyway.
    Navy v. Pirates
    When you get to a certain level/if you're Unlimited access, you should be able to join the Navy's side. To compensate, there should be a pirate-dominated island with a pirate fort (not Tortuga).
  2. Bfahome
    I take bad pictures with my computer because I have one light bulb in my room and no other camera.
    - New torso, upper section/shoulders based on that random black & white titan-thing I sent to some conventions last year, ball/socket in about the middle for at least some semblance of articulation
    - New I-couldn't-be-bothered arms, hands made with black battle droid limbs as fingers
    - Basic thigh constriction is the same, but with Rahksh heads moved to hips to better fill space
    - Shins replaced with black Inika limbs (the joints on the Rahkshi limbs she had were too loose at the ankles)
    - Feet given a couple of extra pieces to fill space, but mostly the same
    - Replaced Bohrok fang "hair" with 2m flex tube, replaced black jaw with light grey, replaced Visorak foot "hair" with blended GitD prototype Rahkshi foot
  3. Bfahome
    I've been working on this Minecraft build for the past month.
    It was partly inspired by the cavern of pillars from the 2003 Rahkshi promos. Also partly by the depiction of Moria in the Fellowship of the Ring film.
  4. Bfahome
    Pretty good album if you're into electronic music.
    Admittedly their stuff can be a bit unrefined at times, but mostly it's not too bad.
    Basically I love it since I've been waiting for the song Tubes ever since I saw it in-show. Which was like a year before this was released. So!
  5. Bfahome
    (I added bunny ears.)
    Not really, but they're there to balance the space out better and add more dimension to it.
    Also replaced the duct tape with hot glue so it's not as ugly now. I plan on possibly covering the entire thing in fabric at the end so that should help smooth out the raggedness that's there now.
    Still need to add more foam, though.
  6. Bfahome
    TV show unrelated. Good chill music.
    I also recommend a couple others I've posted before if you have similar music tastes as me and need to listen to something mellowish.
  7. Bfahome
    It's popped up on Facebook a few times (thanks Aanchir) and what I saw was superheroes and adorable things, so I was like sure I'll see what's up. Saw it originated in France and figured that was a good sign, since my experience with French cartoons has been exceptionally positive.
    So over the past couple of days I watched the existing season, and found it very enjoyable.
    Except for one little thing.
    In my post-watch info scrape I found out that apparently the placeholder voice for Cat Noir was Matthew Géczy, and though I like the final voice actor I am a bit sad that I was this close to having my two favorite 3D French catboys voiced by the same person.

    (what a cutie)
  8. Bfahome
    My blog is not:
    • A place to try to annoy me/other people.
    • A place to try to get back at me/other people.
    • A place to advertise.
    • A place to try to influence or change others' opinions.
    • A place to purposefully post comments that you know will offend me/annoy me/make me mad.
    • A place to try to trick other users. AKA lying.
  9. Bfahome
    Paying too much for Oban t-shirts.
    (If I had known they'd get back to me about it today I'd have waited to put those BrickLink orders in, oh well, not like I needed my next paycheck for anything else right.)
    Apparently the Aikka one I ordered was the last XL of that design they had.
    That kinda makes me sad.
    I shall protect it even more intently now.
  10. Bfahome
    While it's no longer the subject of my member title or info sections, Oxenfree is still a cool game. Other favorite tracks are "The Beach, 7AM", "Catchpole Station", and, if you want to feel feelings, "Days Past". The rest of the soundtrack is wonderful as a complete package, too.
    Also hey it's been a while since I've done one of these, huh.
  11. Bfahome
    Experimenting with more Galidor pieces. I don't imagine anything coming of this specifically, but I think these pieces have an interesting look.
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