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Status Updates posted by Haku340

  1. VakamaTK, thanks fo telling me how to make MNOG figs, you are the absolute total top of the rock best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy premier-ness!

  3. What's your username on their (forum'd) website?

  4. You have stolen Rocco's Old avatar!! =O

  5. So you're going away this week? Have a good time!

  6. You're on the featured members list Cole!

  7. Go to the Star Wars: Clone Wars RZ Kit, I made reason 179.

  8. Well BT974, like my new personal pic? I have a really cool pose for a sprite in my comics, would you like to see it, I'll send it once my computer lets me PM someone.

  9. I wonder who holds the record for the most posts?? Good job Lerman!! I haven't even got 50 yet!

  10. Premier Members are allowed to keep more messages in their PM folder, so it'll go back to 50% when the Premier member thing is over (not for me, wahahaha!).

  11. Make that you're on the member Spotlight

  12. Hey Toalex, I think your really cool

    (Cool Personal Photo Dude!!!)

  13. I agree! McDonalds is *Insert Word That Is To Rude To Type on the internet*, You Rock VakamaTK, you're so much like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I have a Avie for you!!

  15. Happy 2 day early Birthday!

  16. Is you a GEOCACHER? Like you implied on mai blog?

  17. I do like them, they just like very annoying things & go crazy when friends come over.

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