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The Insane One

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Status Updates posted by The Insane One

  1. and no, you're not that noobish :D

  2. BFF? What does that mean? Best foolish friend?

  3. WOW! That are awesome creations!!! And I love your picture and avatar!!! (P.S. I've also seen your banner, it is sooo cool!)

  4. You're a good drawer!

  5. WOW! I am ammazed by your sooo super cool creations! I bet the highest one is for BBC #49! It looks so cool!

  6. You must be quite new, aren't you?

  7. Do you also have special sets? It's a bit pity of Norik... Can't you get him nowhere?

  8. Thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many bionicle do you have? All 6 from all the series, or not?

  9. I also changed my name!

  10. He, you play rome total war? That such a cooooooollll game!!! (I don't have it myself :( but my friend has!)

  11. Do you perhaps have a Lego account? I've added you a friend, but nothing happened :(... Nice story about the children of mata-nui and the nokama and you things!

  12. That's a long profile... )sry, didn't read it all :)) I like star-wars too ;)! But how to make it so long? I can't get more then I few lines... Tell me please how to get more, and more, and more!

  13. Hi, I've read your story, with 'MEMORY' above it: It so soooo cool!!! But also very sadly :'(! My copliments!

  14. Yeah! I built BOTAR!!!! (didn't have to ask you for the instructions, were just on the Bionicle site)! He is sooooo cool! But the ball and the ball-holder parts of axonn are a bit wead, so his head is hanging down every time :(, but he is still cool!

  15. Yeah, it's a very cool Avatar!!! (Voya-Nui = cool ^,^)

  16. thanks, this is a lot better!

  17. You got next to your name a picture of Axonn and Brutaka, but how to get there a picture?

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