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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    Well, there's a possibility that I'm going to be able to go see the new movie at midnight when it opens with some friends... However, if I do, I need to decide on a character to dress up as.
    EDIT: I'm going for sure, as Dumbledore!
  2. Nuju Metru
    Just saw it earlier today... It was pretty good, IMO. A lot of awesome gangster-vs.-lawmen gunfights, which were quite loud.
    Also, just got 6900 posts.
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    You know, 'cause our sun's official name is sol, right?
    Anywho, Here Comes the Sun is this week's SotW... enjoy!
    Here comes the sun, doo da doo doo
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It's alright
    Little darling
    It's been a long, cold, lonely winter
    Little darling
    It feels like years since it's been here
    Here comes the sun
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It's alright
    Little darling
    The smiles returning to the faces
    Little darling
    It seems like years since it's been here
    Here comes the sun
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It's alright
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Little darling
    I see the ice is slowly melting
    Little darling
    It seems like years since it's been clear
    Here comes the sun
    It's alright
    It's alright
  4. Nuju Metru
    For those of you who have wanted my blog to have more art, or the many who have been reminding me to get a start on Project Glatorian, this is for you:
    Preliminary artwork.
    As you can see, I figured out the poses, which for me is a big deal. The real stuff (that will be based on these little drawings) should be made soon enough, if I find the time that I need in the close future.
    And for those of you on the request list, I apologize yet again for my constant procrastinations. After I finish Project Glatorian, you're all next... If I ever find the motivation to complete you... *sigh* I'm really beginning to regret having started taking requests again. It just stresses me out, to be frank, and I barely ever enjoy making them.
    Anywho, enough of my troubles, I hope you enjoyed the (not too impressive, but still there!) art.
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    Okay, so I finished the official designs for the Agents of Chaos fortress... They're very nice and clean, digitally made... These things took FOREVER.
    Anywho, here's the basic view:

    And here's the top view, showing all of the parts:

    As you can see, the perts are helpfully numbered. Well, here's the key:
    1. The Moat: A protective ditch surrounding the wall of the fort. Here it is pictured with its wooden stakes and water:

    2. The Drawbridge: without the drawbridge down, enemies will have to swim through the treacherous moat, and is another layer to be destroyed when an opposng army tried to break through the doors.
    3. The Gatehouse: As the entryway to a fortress is always its weakest point, I've given ours every available defense to strengthen it. If one can get through the drawbridge (A), a set of hefty doors awaits (B), and behind that an metal portcullis, or dropping gate. © (Portcullis functionality pictured below). Between the portcullis and the internal set of doors (E), there are murder holes (D), which are essentially holes in the ceiling above where troops will drop things, from simple rocks to boiling water, on opposing forces trying to enter.

    4. Defense Towers: Towers near the gatehouse are to allow for two lines of projectile troops, one above the other, or one in the tower, one on the parapets. The one sin back serve a similar function.
    5. Rahi Landing Pad: This is a provided landing area for the organization's flying creatures, and also a takeoff bay.
    6. Watchtower: A Tower. For watching.
    7. Barracks/Rahi kennels This low, long building houses both out organization's troops, but also our creatures, who are stored in both above-and-below-ground "stables."
    8. The Keep: The Fort's main building, this large construction houses most of the important rooms. While the below graphic's rooms remain blank, his is just a floor-by-floor description.

    A- The top level is entirely reserved for the Organization's elite ranks, Generals and Leaders. Their living quarters and war planning councils are on this floor.
    B- The tall-ceilinged main level holds a mess hall, as well as the kitchens and food storages.
    C- The basement is essentially a giant storage, where everything from weapons to emergency food are held.
    D- The sub-basement is the prison level, with cell upon cell crammed in for maximum holding capabilities.
    9. The Well: The fortress holds its own supply of water, in case of malicious water poisoning of external sources.
    10. The Main Tower: Not only does this tall spire hold the Leader's Throne Chamber and their laboratories, but is also a key defense spot for anti-air attacks.
    11. The Parapets: The fort's thick walls are the number one defense it has, and prove to be difficult to scale because of the sharp spines lodged on top.
    And I think that's it... Any questions?
    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru
    I really need a new av/banner combo.
    I want something related to the Who...
    'Cause the Who rock.
    Also 6700 posts wewtwewt
  7. Nuju Metru
    Here's a bit of stuff I did last night, to get a general feel for the fortress of the Agents of Chaos (I was waaaaay too tired to do real blueprints). Please note: this is subject to change, and if you have any suggestions, give me them here, and I'll keep them in mind when making the official blueprints.
    So, without further ado, the stuff.
    (My handwriting sucks, so if you can't read it, just ask me what something says.)
    -Nuju Metru
  8. Nuju Metru
    so do i take apart some of my new castle sets to aid in the ongoing construction of my awesome medieval mocs or do i keep em together for longer cause theyre cool and stuff
    no capital letters and no punctuation marks make me feel
    nuju metru
  9. Nuju Metru
    Since our group's name remains undecided, it's time to take a vote over all the suggestions we've had.
    -The Agents of Chaos
    -The Catalyst(s)
    -The Chaos
    -Dystopia Uprising
    -Orderly Chaos
    If you wish to nominate another name, do so here, and it'll be added to the list. Voting will end at 11:00 AM tomorrow West Coast time.
    If you have NO IDEA what this is about, read the previous entry.
    -Nuju Metru
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