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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    The Glatorian Legends, that is. Having purchased Ackar, Kiina, Stronius, and Vastus, my set of six is complete.
    Now, please don't chide me about not having bought the Master Builder Set instead today, as my mom didn't have the time to drive me all the way out to where it was again today. We only had enough minutes in the schedule for today to make a quick run to TRU, where we snagged the Legends, paid, and left as quickly as possible I still have money enough to purchase it, and if I'm lucky, we may go and pick up the rare item tomorrow. Okay?
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    I have a bunch of stuff to do, such as (And this is just BZP!)...
    -Finish the art requests on my list
    -Restart and FINISH Project Glatorian
    -Finish writing my Short Story
    -Make an illustration for said SS.
    -Review Velox's SS.
    ...None of which I feel motivated to do right now. So I'm bored.
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    Well, today I blew through 200 bucks of my graduation money to spend on LEGO Bricks. There's this awesome place about 20 minutes drive from my house that has sets from, like, YEARS ago, all for sale at about original retail price, and also has a MOCing area with a HUGE variety of parts (Best place ever).
    I got a bunch of cool stuff, as one would expect, but what really amazed me was that they had...
    The BIONICLE Master Builder Set from 2002, new and sealed in box, last one on the shelf.
    I was gonna buy it, but didn't have enough left if I wanted to buy the rest of Glatorian Legends.
    But while driving back, I thought to myself, "How much could I have sold that Master Builder set for on Amazon.com, or something?"
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    I found a lucky penny today.
    It was especially lucky because it was a penny from 1906.
    This incident, combined with a certain SotW request, and my love of the nominated song, compelled me to choose Penny Lane.
    In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs
    Of every head he's had the pleasure to know
    And all the people that come and go
    Stop and say hello
    On the corner is a banker with a motorcar
    The little children laugh at him behind his back
    And the banker never wears a mac
    In the pouring rain...
    Very strange
    Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
    There beneath the blue suburban skies
    I sit, and meanwhile back
    In Penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass
    And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen.
    He likes to keep his fire engine clean
    It's a clean machine
    Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
    Four of fish and finger pies
    In summer, meanwhile back
    Behind the shelter in the middle of the roundabout
    A pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray
    And though she feels as if she's in a play
    She is anyway
    In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer
    We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim
    Then the fireman rushes in
    From the pouring rain...
    Very strange
    Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
    There beneath the blue suburban skies
    I sit, and meanwhile back
    Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
    There beneath the blue suburban skies...
    Penny Lane.
  5. Nuju Metru
    It's the first day of summer for me, as well as the first Thursday of summer.
    Therefore, I expect your SotW suggestions to be extra-good today.
    On another note, today is the birthday of a good buddy of mine, Master of Shadow Matoran. Let's all go wish him well here!
  6. Nuju Metru
    So yeah, I graduated middle-school earlier today, in a ceremony with diplomas and whatnot. Pretty classy.
    But the fun part of graduation came tonight in the form of our graduation dance.
    There was all sorts of good food and drinks, like marshmallows and strawberries to be held in the chocolate fountain, redvines, pretzels, 7-up, orange soda, etc. Almost everyone in the grade was there (about 250, give or take)... this, of course, added up to a great party.
    What with a lounge, fake tattoo parlor, dance floor, and photo station, there was a lot to do... But I danced most of the time. My feet are so sore from all the bouncing I did while dancing, and my arms ache from carrying various people over the crowd, stage-dive style. There are a bunch of cool photos I took with friends (which are all actually with my best friend currently, as I couldn't hold them in my pockets, he took them for me... and I forgot to get them back. ), and I probably went through 7 mini water bottles due to how hot it was in there. But it didn't matter. The whole time was a blast.
    Yeah, the party was AWESOME.
    But I'm so tired I think I'll go to sleep right now.
    -Nuju Metru
  7. Nuju Metru
    (My commentary on blue/red pins and axles. The first person shall go unnamed.)
    One thing it seems some members on here will never really understand is just how small BZPower is in comparison to the entire BIONICLE fanbase. They don't appear to get that the opinions they hold aren't more important then those of young kids who make up almost all of the brand's customers. In fact, the views of these members are far less important than the views of the target audience. LEGO won't change its ways based on the complaint of one person, especially not when the vast voice of their primary buyers say differently.
    Complainers, it doesn't matter how much older you are than the TA, or how much longer you've been into BIONICLE, or how important you consider your opinions to be. At the end of the day, you just have to realize that the BIONICLE products aren't marketed towards your individual preference. LEGO is a business, not an organization created to appease yourself and the rest of the people who were target fans back in the "old days." It will do what is best for making a profit, firstly. You should feel lucky that we as a community get any say at all.
    So I say to all of those members out there who constantly whine about how LEGO isn't doing exactly what you want them to do, please, just stop your ranting. You're not going to make a difference. The only thing that you are succeeding at is annoying the heck out of those who accept the little or no influence we have over TLG.
    Thank you for reading.
  8. Nuju Metru
    Kex came to the rescue and shut down that stupid, spammy game. At last.
    I'm sorry for the shadenfroida towards those who played, but it was really pretty dumb. It was like any other COT game, only that its placement in the LGD forum made it increase post count. It was like a reward for spam.
    I'm so happy it's closed.
    -Nuju Metru
  9. Nuju Metru
    So I'm graduating in three days.
    My parents, as a gift, gave me 250 big bucks to spend on LEGO Bricks.
    The only problem is that it's in online gift card form.
    Why is this a problem?
    -I can't get Glatorian Legends on LEGO.com yet, and they're currently my #1 priority.
    -The shipping costs will be astronomical.
    -There's a great LEGO place about 20 minutes drive from my house, which has a huge selection of LEGO sets from past years and this year... Getting stuff there gives me much more variety, as well as a chance to buy my two missing Visorak, and great sets that I used to ogle at in the catalogs, that I never got around to buying.
    My mom is trying to find a way to return the giftcard, so I have my fingers crossed that it'll work.
    -Nuju Metru
  10. Nuju Metru
    ...That this weeks SotW is one that Ringo has been lobbying for since, well, pretty much ever.
    It's I Want to Tell You!
    I want to tell you
    My head is filled with things to say
    When you're here
    All those words they seem to slip away
    When I get near you
    The games begin to drag me down
    It's all right
    I'll make you maybe next time around
    But if I seem to act unkind
    It's only me, it's not my mind
    That is confusing things
    I want to tell you
    I feel hung up and I don't know why
    I don't mind
    I could wait forever, I've got time
    Sometimes I wish I knew you well
    Then I could speak my mind and tell
    Maybe you'd understand
    I want to tell you
    I feel hung up and I don't know why
    I don't mind
    I could wait forever, I've got time
    I've got time
    I've got time
  11. Nuju Metru
    Some friends and I were filming a short, fun movie for most of the day, and I was a Ninja (due to my awesome Parkour skillz. ). However, this meant that I was wearing all black, and long sleeves, and a face-covering cloth in the scorching sun... Veeery hot. :I
    -Nuju Metru
  12. Nuju Metru
    'Cause SotW is Her Majesty.
    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
    but she doesn't have a lot to say
    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
    but she changes from day to day
    I want to tell her that I love her a lot
    But I gotta get a belly full of wine
    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
    Someday I'm going to make her mine, oh yeah,
    Someday I'm going to make her mine.
    It wins the Shortest SotW award, too!
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