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Scythrax-Toa of cheese

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Status Updates posted by Scythrax-Toa of cheese

  1. 'ello there, ol' chap! (noiisnotbritishLOL.

  2. "gee, what an awesome comedy you have, Scythrax! post more soon!" >:(

  3. dude your comics rock!!!! please make me your friend!

  4. especially the pakarai and kaukau...

  5. gah! it's supposed to say "p-w-n"!!!

  6. hi you have a cool name but i owned so hahahaha

    p.s. nice comedy i like pie!11!!1!

  7. i am going to take over this comment thing!! MUAHAHAHAHA!

  8. i do!!! in fact i have had a total of like 35 so far! its only been 20 DAYS!!

  9. i'm just making a comment here for the fun of it.

  10. leave a comment if you think my new av is insanely cool.

  11. make my comedy into an alternate storyline!

  12. Maxilos226 i got my revenge by BLOCKING YOUR COMMENT HAHAHAHA!

  13. nice kit! you should work on the masks though.

  14. oh and i want avatars of uh, like, well, 2008 bionicles

  15. oh, thanks for the sheet! but i decided to make a movie instead... still want to be in it?

  16. ooookay, now you can also leave a comment if you like my sig! that's like two for the price of one!

  17. please! hey im taking over this thing!

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