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Artimus Maora

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Status Updates posted by Artimus Maora

  1. I'll try, I'll try!!

  2. I read your entire intrests thing for the second time. Ha!

  3. Quote(Jack Sparrow): Nobody move! I dropped my brain.

  4. Weellllll..... I'll have to decode them, but maybe.

  5. I couldn't get on to the little known member facts thing, so-

    - fav Toa~ Hahli Inika, Gali Nuva, Nokama Metru

    -obsessed w/drawing Bionicles

  6. Hey, ~Po~! It's me, Maora!! Just thought I'd say hi!=D

  7. What does BZPower stand for, anyway?

  8. Thanks, everyone! I feel so welcome!

  9. Thanks!! I'm really glad to be here!

  10. Yeah!!I know you, too! wanna be friends?

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