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Posts posted by TBK

  1. In terms of story for a return, I agree with the general consensus in that it should take place many, many years from where the current story ended, either before or after. If after, that leaves endless possibilities and allows for classic characters to make reappearances.


    What I think would be another interesting idea, however, is that if the story started before the current one, this new arc could lead up to how the Great Beings came to fruition and what became of them since their disappearance.

    • Upvote 2
  2. [Macku]: Dramatically play dead to catch the colorful matoran's attention.


    EDIT: Also, BOAT




    I couldn't do much more to make it resemble the MNOG boat, but I hope it's something closer to what you're looking for.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I haz announzement: I am finally taking the ACT march 12, which means that for the next couple of weeks, comic-making is going to take backstage. I'm not saying I can't make any comics in that time, but just don't expect much-- I need to pour my dedication and free time into this thing. I apologize, and many thanks for understanding!


    I don't think the entire comic loaded for me. I got 2 rows of panels, and the rest of it was entirely black...


    The last comic? The whole thing loaded for me, so I'm not sure what the issue could be. :/ The same thing happens to me sometimes because my connection resets in the middle of the page load, so the only suggestion I've got is to refresh the page.


    Is that more characters to be found guy a Vahki?




    Actually, in several aspects, yes... ever heard of a toasterbot? ;)

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hope you guys enjoy this one! :D


    13 - How Flattening


    E: Would I be able to provide you with a textual description? I'm rubbish with sprites.


    Of course, sprites are my specialty! Just send me a PM or post a description, and I'll cook something up.



    I will be in the ocean for a week, so there better be some good updates when I get back!
    (and hopefully no wars, plagues, zombies, or alien invasions happen while I'm gone,_,)


    I'll kill all the zombies for ya

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