Ready for the adventure! And likely death. But at least it'll be a noble death. Hopefully. Probably not. Anyway, I'm super duber uber grateful to you for letting me join in on this, Voltex. Player Name: TBK Campaign: #4: A Feast for Titans Character Name: Tabek Umrik Gender, Age, Element: Male, 24, Stone Personality: Despite what he would like to think, Tabek knows that others usually perceive him as a bit... odd. Upon first impression, one might go so far as to say that he comes off as haughty and brooding. In reality, conversation has never been his particular strength, and he is often just misunderstood. This might be the reason why he only keeps a select few companions, but those particular friends provide a true insight to his personality. He is indeed a loyal and caring fellow, willing to sacrifice nearly anything for his neighbor. Even so, his naive optimism can lead him to trusting strangers a little too quickly. History: Tabek was born into and seemingly destined for the sensational trade of boat repair, a trade that his clan carried for generations. Not that he wanted it – in fact, he attempted a number of times to veer off and become a fine artist, to the humor of some. Unfortunately, amid the war-torn economy, each attempt ended only in failure and near starvation, forcing him to revert back into the family business. Nonetheless, he gazes past the hammer, the tar pitch, and the endless droll of monotony to a hope of making something of himself for the good of his people. And of course, he also looks beyond his relatives' pessimism. They would tell you that Tabek is the one who has seen the least loss and sorrow in the family, and they would not be wrong. Greatest Fears: (1) Tabek has always been a thinker and a seeker for the truth behind every situation, every assumption, and perhaps life itself, if he could find it. On the flipside, his greatest nightmare is that everything is truly as it seems: Chaos. His life, the world, the wars, all of history, is for naught. He dreads he may never find out in time. (2) His inward tendencies also don the impression of even-tempered coolness, but when he senses that he has lost control of a situation, the facade quickly crumbles to panic. And when he loses control of himself? It has happened only twice before, and he hopes for his own well-being to never sink to that point again... heaven forbid that it involve a matter of life and death. He fears this may fall upon him one day. (3) Though his intentions are well-meant, he is afraid that his ventures will come to nothing, and his family will be the worse for it because he wasn't there to help them. Greatest Dreams: (1) He often dreams of becoming a great artist, but he knows even this would ultimately fall short. As Tabek pursues the meaning behind life, so also he pursues a purpose for himself. (2) He hopes to earn the favor of his clan by proving his worth one day. (3) He also desires to one day find a means to provide a steady means of provisions and income to his clan, whose business is staggering under the post-war market. Ultimate Power: Tabek would do all in his power to, broadly put, make things right again. To remove fear and conflict from Okoto. To restore sustenance to those in need like his own family. And perhaps even use the power of the mask to strain a glance at the powers orchestrating destiny, if only for his own comfort. Strength: 2 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 4 Charisma: 1