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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. OOC: I have gotten Explicit permission to Bunny Inactive BoA characters from Krayzikk for the duration of the battle. These, at the moment, are Rakona, Goran and Thentyle. As Canis has been inactive for months, they have fallen to me. And also, could some Legacy charries back us up?


    IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Ko-Koro Gates)


    The snow blinded him, it blinded Lutrez, but it didn't cap the bear's sense of smell. Lutrez smelt the Kane-Ra, and smelt it with hunger. Larikon felt his beast stir, and urged him forward. Thus Lutrez jumped forward, and impacted Icha's Kane-Ra with his claws, Larikon struggled to hold on, he heard, past the sound of the whirring snow, the horns grinding against the metal armor Lutrez was clad in. He tried his best to look for his enemy's blade, as he knew Icha was little more than feet away.


    He kept Heathenbane to his side, and his eyes focused upon the area directly around him. He to, to avoid being cleaved in two.


    IC: (Rakona/Ko-Koro Gate)


    The heathens were trying to blind them. Caught in the storm, Rakona couldn't see a thing. She could hear Sir Ira, proclaiming his unwillingness to be slaughtered like a cow, The Grandmaster, charging against the heathen commander, and Sir Zekev, fighting someone.


    She stood firm, holding her surplus spear stoutly in hand.

  2. IC: (Sukot urn Voyuk/The Citadel)


    Sukot shielded himself from the explosion. It had been quite a try, he figured. This person had at the very least impressed him, not matter how evil he was. Sukot hadn't much damage, only some scratches on his exposed flesh. So he was able to reply to Echelon. By this time, he was still coming to terms in his helplessness.


    "Well, whoever-you-are, I may want to strangle you," Sukot said to the necromancer in his heavy accent. "But in my eyes, I do respect how thoroughly you've stopped me. Impressive, I'll admit. Impressive."


    He was mentally hitting himself for not having grenades on hand... 

  3. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Ko-Koro Gate)


    Larikon honestly didn't expect cavalry, but his Brotherhood could resist them. Sir Zekev and Sir Ira were already engaging the heathens, Zekev a Vortixx, Ira the Kane-Ra. Ira's fire seared two beasts, and sent them into panic. Good. The Makuta servants, who followed them into battle, were also beginning to engage the Kanery. One, a burly figure in a bizarre helmet, was barreling towards him. There were, he noticed, pair of corpses below him, armed corpses. He needed to buy time for his Knights setting up the explosives. The three couldn't do it alone.


    Activating his Tryna, the corpse of the mauled Guardsman rose, spear in hand. Keeping his concentration square upon the zombie, he sent it barreling towards the Kane-Ra. He willed it to spear and oncoming bull, causing the great beast to hit the ground, and take out its rider. The dying, pained bull summarily tumbled, and crashed into its fellow behind it. The others continued forward at an alarming rate. Looking below, to the carts, he saw one of the smaller barrels was unused. It wouldn't be useful in destroying the gates, but it would help the Brotherhood in another way. Stepping down, he grabbed in, and tied it hastily to the corpse of the second guard. The thunder of the Kane-Ra grew closer, he realized.


    Once it was secure, he rigged a long fuse to it, and lit it. Jumping upon Lutrez, he willed the bomb-laden corpse to run with haste towards the advancing Kane-Ra. It was taking all of his concentration, all of his patience. To the point he wasn't even counting. The corpse was carried by its fresh legs, and pattered along towards the Kanery's right flank. The only thing that broke Larikon's concentration was the explosion. Surprisingly large, it took several riders out. It seemed, however, Icha came towards them still, with a sizable group of Kanery still. Glaring to his men, he raised Heathenbane, and screamed forth: "Defend the bombers, take them out from a distance! AK'REI'AN HAS OUR SIDE!"


    With that, the Grandmaster rode forth, sword in hand to confront Icha. At the moment, his Brothers were half-complete in rigging the explosives.


    IC: (Sukot urn Voyuk/The Sanctum)


    First things first, Sukot realized he was stuck. Second thing, he realized that his arms were still free. Third thing, he realized that if he broke this Fa-Toa's concentration, he'd be free to stick a dagger in each one of these thugs' hearts. Nonetheless, well spoken thugs. As he watched intently, one of their assailants attacked the firespitter with the ridiculously large shield. Sent it flying backwards into him, somehow. Sukot didn't recognize the Mask Eisen had, but assumed at first it was a foreign version of a Matatu. And that the Dark Toa was skilled with it. Another Toa tried to attack Ms. Potted Plant. Two others, he thought, were trying to dive into the Maelstrom.


    Well, it seemed like the perfect to rain on their villain-leaders fine little parade. With a Patero Round, of course. It was a projectile of glass, filled with a fine amount of Stralix powder, and a fuse, that upon the glass breaking, ignites said powder in a fine explosion. Being fairly well armored, in leather and wool, he would get a bit of damage if he shot it at such close range. But Echelon, the unarmored thing he was, would take the brunt of it, with his little dogs of war.


    It a split-second, he pointed the muzzle at Echelon's legs, pulled the trigger, and turned his face away. The loud thump of air escaping told him it fired. He just waited for the explosion. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. OOC: No.


    IC: (Ardron)


    He would meet the Brotherhood caravan on the Ko-Wahi side of Mount Mangai. He had time to talk. Stopping his Ussal cart, he turned to the woman.


    "I am buying supplies for my friends. Why do you ask?"

  5. IC: (Sukot urn Voyuk/The Citadel)


    Sukot had at the moment a degree of suspicion on what the assailants were. They had all the look of bandits, or maybe unemployed Makuta-serving types. He thought he should know. Especially when one of them had a nifty-looking crossbow pointed towards his chest. One, he did admit to himself, he'd buy in a heartbeat. Anyways....


    "Just of curiosity, who is paying you? Why are you attacking my adopted little Koro? Someone paying you? Or did all of you pretty little scumbags just decide one day to band together and invade?" 

  6. OOC: Sure.


    IC: (Ardron/Ostia)


    Ard was in town doing business. Buying supplies for the Brotherhood, who partially were evacuating Blackrock Canyon. The woman coming up to him was a surprise.


    "Why do you come near? I am simply a traveler, buying supplies."

  7. IC: (Sukot urn Voyuk/Ko-Koro)


    Someone was attacking the city, Sukot hadn't a clue who, but his gut told him it sure as karz wasn't another Koro. By the panicked expressions of the Ko-Koroans around him, it seemed the case. The guards not corralling say, Onu-Matoran, into a general area as traitors confirmed his suspicions, to a degree. And what a grand time it was for invasion, a grand time. Sukot had a cozy job, was going to get a fine reward for installing an Architect as Prince-Mayor (Or Akiri, as these barbarians called it). Immediately, important questions began to swell in his brain: Why were they trying to conquer this Icebox of a City? Who were they? Did they have money?  


    Anyways, the soldier of fortune was being paid to defend the city, and karz, he'd rather keep that decent paycheck then let it go away under a bloody regime change. Once word came to him of it in the small tavern he was breaking in, he hadn't any choice but put down his glass of Merlot, and lit a cigarillo.


    It was go time. Leaving the tavern, he took the side-roads to the Citadel. He'd rather take shelter in the fortified building, and be able to escape via back-tunnels Ambages had probably dug, than to be caught in the dammed walls, which the Sanctum Guard probably wouldn't be able to hold for long. Entering the side stairs, he came towards the grand stairs of the front. His Patero launcher was primed, and ready to shoot any assailant he could find. He saw a pair of Toa standing at the foot of the stairs, with a plant-thing below them. Putting on his cockiest smile, he came down.


    One was a big chivalric fellow, a Sanctum guard, one Sukot had taken to mentally mocking. One was someone he hadn't seen before, a Lesterin. Taking a position to the left side of Ropurungui, Sukot blew out some smoke, and aimed the Patero-launcher's muzzle straight at plant-woman.


    "Now, hullo gentlemen, good to see other's protecting our fine Citadel," he said. Looking to Agrona, he couldn't help but smile. "May I ask, were you fused with a potted plant? "

  8. OOC: Ham powers activate...


    IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Ko-Koro Outskirts)


    The rest of the Brotherhood had no clue what was going on, even within their own Sanctum. Hidden from view, the Grandmaster and his Steward spoke with a necromancer, one bestowed with magicks beyond their own. Echleon was a cold figure, whose very figure made Larikon nervous. He had entered Blackrock quietly, and bespoke to them terms. They, The Grandmaster learned, were armed with weapons far superior to their own, with numbers to back them. They would be able to swoop upon Blackrock like a hawk, and destroy them all. His Brotherhood would be destroyed then, not by the Ussalry, but by Makuta's followers. That was, unless they allied with the Necromancer's 'Legacy', and their Skakdi allies.


    It was not like they had considered it beforehand. Jorruk, with his spies in Ostia and Forsi, had uncovered rumors of Echelon, whispers in the backs of taverns, said by drunken guards. He had tried to convince Larikon of it, to preserve the group, by fighting alongside the lesser heathens. Makuta, he reminded Larikon, was mentioned not in the Book of Life. The Dark God was but only vilified because of degrees by the ancient Grandmasters. To ally with his followers, the Brotherhood could purge the followers of the False God, the defiler, from the shores of the land that bore unto it his name. They could convert prisoners, expand, and possibly become more powerful than they had ever been. Stronger than even the times of Makron. 


    Though it was mostly fear that drove him to the decision, it was not wholly fear of the Legacy. Through dreams, he had been tortured. Night upon night, visions of him, alone in the ashes of Blackrock, filled his mind. The tall, winged being that was his god lingered above him, with his cold, unfathomable face staring upon his decayed form. In a tongue filled with hate and fury, Ak'rei'an himself cast his rage unto his earthly Grandmaster. For not compromising, for letting his knowledge, his will die on the earth he wished to free. For letting the forces of the enemy, of Mata Nui win, for Larikon, in deed, doing crime after crime against his god. He showed Larikon a pit, a pit of filth, a pit of agony, where those who betrayed the will of the Archangel were sent to suffer. Larikon would be sent to the hellslime, Ak'rei'an, in his dream told him, unless he saved the Brotherhood, by any means. The dreams, night after night, ended with the pathetic form of the Grandmaster begging upon Ak'rei'an's feet.


    Little by little, his compromised mind began to view the dreams as revelations. But revelations to be kept secret, lest he be decried a heretic. He grew ever more convinced by Jorruk, into thinking that the Makuta's vengeful servants would be the Brotherhood's allies. That they would allow the Brotherhood an opportunity to survive. But it was Echelon who came to him first. It was the fear of Ak'rei'an that drove him to the decision. Not, as Echelon likely thought, fear of him. He accepted the ultimatum. The Brotherhood would remain a full-fledged ally, and its faith would remain untouched. That, at the least, helped the other Brothers accept the deal. As the necromancer left, he could not help but feel a bit of apprehension, but realized the light of Ak'rei'an would shine upon him again.


    Part of the Brotherhood remained in Blackrock, to evacuate the fortress' contents to Mangaia. Their role was a needed one. Jorruk was there, managing the flight. But here, in Ko-Wahi, he had with him some of his most devoted soldiers, his great Ash Bear mount, and all the repressed zeal they carried with them. Too long had they been stifled in Blackrock, cowering like rats. Here, on the cusp of one of the great heathen cities, Larikon felt like he was in a dream. Upon the snow-capped hill, he gazed below at the walls of Ko-Koro. In it was riches, and most importantly, heathens to be converted. They were finally at the point, the point at which they would begin their crusade and destroy the followers of Mata Nui. As the freezing wind hit his face, Larikon could not help but smile. Raising forth Heathenbane he began his speech.


    "Here, my Brothers, my Sisters, we sit upon the walls of Ko-Koro. Through the will of Ak'rei'an, we shall strike with our allies to spread our will to the heathens! We shall destroy the symbols of their decadence and their heresy, and purge it of all traces of their false god! We shall be the blade that plunges unto their hearts, unstoppable, driven the zeal of righteousness! They will decry us as savages, as monsters, but who are they to say? They who cast Ak'rei'an from our world, those who fan the flame of death and suffering! This is the beginning of the end of them! Today is the day we take this land, and purge it of their filth! Today is the day all shall know of us! All shall fear us!


    They shall rue the day they burned Blackrock, rue the day they killed our first Grandmaster, rue the day they cast our forebearers from the halls of heaven! May they record in their books that the Brotherhood of Ak'rei'an did NOT PERISH IN THE FIRE. That they instead emerged from death in the holy fury of vengeance! May they fear the corpse that emerged from death! So march, my Brotherhood, bring terror unto the hearts of the heathenry, make their wives weep upon their graves! I but ask each of you to scream the name of the Archangel! Let them know it, and let them learn it will mean their doom! Inspire terror in the hearts of the heathen, and you shall be rewarded!


    Now forth, bring an end to them, their city, their civilization! FORTHWITH BROTHERS! BRING THE WRATH OF AK'REI'AN! KILL OR CONVERT! KILL OR CONVERT"


    Riding Lutrez, Larikon descended the hill. The cold air entered his greathelm, made him feel alive. The adrenaline pumped into his veins, a bloodlust consumed his mind. The black cloth of his surcoat flew behind him, as his mount came towards the walls. Bells and horns filled the city with sound as he heard the echoes of them, the sound of rats trying to defend themselves from cats. As Lutrez padded upon snow towards the walls, he saw the heathen rats run from him. It came to him that they would threaten him not, that they lived in fear of him. It felt exhilarating, bringing the blade of Ak'rei'an to arms. Petting Lutrez behind the bears ear, he coaxed the bear to roar, a great, deep roar that would send fear to the hearts of the unbelieving.


    Sighting a pair of guardsmen, Larikon saw that they were frozen in momentary terror. He met his covered eyes with the youngest guard, who replied with a look of utmost fear. The fear that stemmed of knowledge, of course, of his coming doom. Having Lutrez surge forward, the guard's spears were deflected the Bear's steel armor. Bringing Heathenbane down upon the veteran guard, his blade was deflected. But consumed by fury, Larikon lashed out again and again, before dealing the mortal blow. It felt good, feeding his blade the blood of the unbelieving. So long had it starved. His bear dealt with the younger guard, as Larikon watched. At this time, the other Brothers followed. They would assail the gate, bring it to ruin, and surge in to purge the city of its filth. A pair of his men lured Ussal-carts down the snow-banks, carts loaded to the brim with barrels. Barrels of photothermic powder, acquired months before to defile the sanctuary of Mata Nui. Now, it was to destroy the front gates of Mata Nui.


    The rats above tried to fight back, sending arrows and projectiles hurling towards them. How they would be punished for their cowardice.


    OOC: Edited for errors.

    • Upvote 4
  9. IC: (Ardron/Blackrock)


    A call came from behind the canvas screen. The minion quietly entered the closed meeting room. He saw Larikon and Jorruk, sitting on opposite sides of a small wooden table, deep in conversation. Once the zombie entered, they continued. Jorruk knew Ard would reveal no secret.


    "Our best guess is to send someone to Ostia, and find out where the Makuta-servants were last seen."


    "How are you certain the lesser-heathens would allow us to cooperate with them?"


    "They are by nature slimy individuals. They know the greater heathens outnumber them, and will join with their mother's murderers if it is benefit to them. I assure you, Grandmaster, we can make such work for our advantage."


    "But they might impress upon us their savage heathenry..."


    "We can arrange for it not to be so. I am certain we can arrange terms."


    "Find first information of them-then let me decide."


    Jor turned to his Zombie. "Ardron, I command you to go to Ostia, go among the drunkards and the guardsmen, find out of the followers of Makuta, and all with them."


    He nodded, and went out to the desert. He felt not pain, but kept himself covered with a cloak.  

  10. IC: (Sukot urn Voyuk)


    Serving as Ambages' gun had not been the most rewarding experience, but nonetheless he had carried out his orders. A murder here, an arson there, break-ins, and a bomb or two. All he had calculated quite coldly, to give assistance to his newfound master. The sheer volume of them, he felt, was making his fellow guards uneasy. Now, he was on duty by the gates, trying his best to keep warm. He huddled inside his greatcoat, manning the small side entrance to the Koro. It was quiet here, not many guard patrols came around here.


    He sometimes wished he joined the Gukko Force, at the least he'd work in warmth.

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