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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro Streets)


    Why was it always Ta-Koro? Bombers and dark Toa, prison breaks and Piraka, love-shacks and ice-men. Sometimes, Tarotrix had to wonder why every single lunatic wanted to blow up, maim, harm, or disturb the peace in his beloved city. Why? Why? The Ussalmen probably didn't have this hard of job, and all the Sentinels probably did was sit on their a**** all day and sip iced tea. But he, and all the rest of his guards were tasked with dealing with all of that, and more. Was it something in the ash-tinged air?


    Patrolling down the alleyways, Taro found a small group of people watching something. The sniper-shots in the air, to say the least, made him very interested in what was going on. His armor clanking, Taro walked towards the scene, keeping to the side. He kept his hasta in hand, ready to skewer any possible criminal. But instead, he discovered a fight between multiple beings, Toa and Skakdi. Cursed Skakdi, always starting fights. Memories of the Piraka rampaging through the city came back to his mind when he noticed the Skakdi fighting the black-armored Toa. He recognized the Skakdi from somewhere, the Toa too. But before he took action, he surveyed the wider situation.


    He was considering picking up his shield and ending it all. But since Grokk and Dorian were quite caught up in their own battle, he thought it would be wiser to defuse the other battle. The one where the other Skakdi, Natharius, was fighting a Le-Toa. He quickly rushed forward, spear and shield in a defensive position. He screamed.


    "I am Tarotrix of The Ta-Koro Guard! Put down your weapons!"

  2. IC: (Arvun/Mangaia)


    He had to help the Maru, sword in one hand, Kukri in the other, Arv rushed forward. He tried to remain as cautious as he could in this situation, coming behind Sulov, and swinging his blade at the teleportation Rahkshi's legs. He prayed to disable the thing, at the least.

  3. OOC: Sorry about gleaning over your posts, Tiragath and Dan.


    IC: (Weiss)


    Through the snow-filled haze, Weiss saw an orb of energy flying at him. Mata Nui be cursed. At that moment, he put down the herbs, and was impacted by the electricity. It caused his muscles to seize, akin to a taser, it wouldn't last long, but it sure as heck hurt.


    "Zekev-play dead," he gritted out, as quiet as he could while the electricity began to dissipate.

  4. IC: (Weiss)


    He had a roll of gauze on him. Older gauze, yes, but clean. His medical supplies weren't much, a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, gauze, painkilling herbs and some bandages. Most of the Brothers had gotten a small amount of the main Brotherhood stock. Whether they were focused enough to use them, Weiss didn't know. His fellows could get distracted, to put it lightly. Taking the bandages, he crouched down, dropped a small dose of alcohol onto Zekev's wound, and began to wrap the bandage tightly, to stave off bleeding.


    "Come, Sir Zekev, we need to get up and go into the city, we'll be able to get out of this cold," Weiss said, looking suspiciously around him. "Take a pinch of the herbs, they will cut down the pain a tad." 

  5. IC: (Weiss)


    The gate was open, he needed to get out of this storm, go into the city. The Grandmaster would be there, and they'd be easier able to fight off these bloody Kane-Ra riders in an urban area. Bursting outward, he ran out, running towards the area he figured the gate was. He stepped on something, something warm. The snow-covered Toa felt such to be strange. He looked downward, it was Sir Zekev, bleeding.


    "Sir Zekev, what happened?" he thought he had a medical kit tucked in his old coat. Crouching down, he inspected the Skakdi.

  6. OOC: Kablooey!


    IC: (Thentyle/Ko-Koro Gates)


    It had been a lethargic task, rigging the fuses. He heard the whirl of crossbow bolts through the wind, them impaling upon the thick wood of the gates. Some charges were to the sides of the gate, but most of the powder lay upon the foot of the gate. It was planned to be enough to blow up the Amaja Nui, so he had faith it could destroy the gates of Onu-Koro. Going to the foot of the gate, he could almost feel his breath freezing as it left his mouth. The fuses were built for mining, tough and reliable. Testing proved it beforehand. It would, he hoped, work in the weather. The black match fuse was cotton, imbued deeply with stralix powder. 


    Crouching to the ground, Thentyle struck the storm match. Coddling the flame, he put it to the fuse, and monitored it for a second. Fast it flew from his hand, speeding through the wind. "GO! GO FROM THE WALL!!" he cried into the air, seeing, the flame go ever-closer to the barrels. He ran, fleeing fast to the left side. Diving to the ground, he used his powers to cover himself in an earthen cocoon, and hardened it. It, he prayed to Ak'rei'an, would save his ears, and save his body.


    IC: (Rakona/The Storm)


    "You shall learn to love Ak'rei'an, heathen," Rakona said in reply. Taking her whip, she raised it, and brought it again down on the heathen, three times in all. The first put the guard out of her misery, but the other two Rakona took out of anger. At this time, she noticed the wound in her shoulder, and how it bled more. Reaching down, she ripped strips of cloth quickly from the Guardwoman's uniform. Wrapping it over the wound, it would stem the bloodflow temporarily.


    Looking around for other riders, she crouched down, to make herself hidden. The loss of blood. coupled with the cold, was making her light-headed. Rakona began to think of plans, to sneak behind the heathens, break their formation from behind. It would work, she thought, Ak'rei'an was on her side. Yes, he was. While her eyes scanned the area to the front of her, she heard an enormous sound, as if the earth was cracking below her. Loud enough that even at this distance, her ears buzzed. Powerful enough so that she felt the first wisp of warm air she'd felt since leaving Po-Wahi. They had taken down the gate. She needed to leave.


    IC: (Goran/The Storm)


    Goran, being closer to the gates than Rakona, felt it, and as he was rushing backwards to escape the Kane-Ra, saw it firsthand. The explosives detonated first below, and triggered the explosives along the gate. Goran and presumably the Kane-Ra rider were thrown back, Goran dove into the snow, hands above his head, to try and resist the explosion. The heat came down, he felt along his back, with projectiles of wood flying outward.


    The explosion wracked the gate, as none in the storm saw firsthand. It was reduced to pieces, with the stout wood of a hundred trees reduced to splinters and ash. A pair of Sanctum Guards, stationed upon the top, were the only casualties of the blast itself, reduced to gears and bloody bits. To those within the city itself, it said to them that the city was open. Open to the cruelty of the Brotherhood, and the forces of Darkness. That the imposing gate that defended them for countless millennia was no more.   


    IC: (Weiss)


    Weiss prayed to Ak'rei'an he'd be able to escape unseen. Using his powers over gravity, he concentrated over the blinding snow. He was going to propel himself out. Out of the pile of ice and snow, he rose his body out of the snow, with a tremendous amount of concentration. It took a while to force himself through, only to have himself hurled down into it again, he heard a great crack, and felt the earth and snow around him shudder empathetically in reaction.


    So Weiss chose to attempt in again.


    IC: (Larikon Torchbearer)


    Icha's club came upon the back of the Grandmaster's helm, and brought him to the ground. Ak'rei'an would not let him die, he knew, as he struggled to hold onto consciousness. The pain was intense, so was the cold, but his Archangel would save him, let him return unto the battle upon this crusade they were undertaking. It was his destiny. As it seemed Icha was going for another blow, his prayer was answered. An explosion, a crack through the wind, like the voice of holy vengeance upon the heathens. They had brought down the gate of Ko-Koro. That he realized, upon going unconscious. They had done it. They had pierced the heathen's cold skin, finally. He let out two small words. 


    "Lutrez sic."     


    OOC: Note, Jaaku and whoever else is in the vicinity will have a chance to escape, it taking a little while to detonate.

  7. IC: (Aryll Vudigg)


    "We should split into two groups, have one keep watch, and one rest," Aryll said, disheartened by the storm. "We can't get out of here. And I don't think we all are willing to storm down the tunnel at the moment. Especially with a cripple in tow."

  8. OOC: Larikon/BoA post after this.


    IC: (Sukot urn Voyuk/The Sanctum)


    Sukot managed only to deflect the crossbow bolt, with his iron powers in the knick of time. The bamboo, however, that was far more problematic. And painful. He tried to dive, only to have three bamboo spears impale his left shoulder and upper-arm, and two lodge in his leather armor. Going to the ground, he lie down for a little while, groaning in pain. The blood going his cheek told him he'd narrowly avoided one to the brain. He could still fight, albeit from his right. Tossing the Patero Launcher to the ground, he began to rip cloth from his coat to seal his wounds.


    He knew he was vulnerable, but sure as karz couldn't do a thing about it. 

  9. It's happened before. Don't worry.


    Also, can somebody please explain to me what the heck was up with the end of Aensetr Derrum with Matoran Joske dying and passing along a message to Vakama or something and going: "THE PHOTO IS IN THE SECRET SPOT", which Vakama was all like: "woah man how does he remember?"


    Because that has been bugging me for the last three years.


    Joske forced the Pre-2011 BZPRPG Universe to cease, or else be reborn (It's been a while). The photo was, if I'm correct, only in existence in the 2011 BZPRPG, and was wiped from existence when the entire game was rebooted after the Dataclysm. Thusly, the BZPRPGs of 2003-2010 and 2011 do not, have not, and will not exist in the Modern BZPRPG. Excepting maybe Stannis Magic.


    I think it would be a drastic undertaking, if so, trying to connect the Old Canon with the new. With it would come so many things positively not acceptable in the modern game. And The Santun.

  10. I'm not house, but having read it, this is how I think it goes.


    He didn't abandon that plan, he just never thought of it. The goal of his machinations during the Metru Nui arc was to awaken the memory-wiped Matoran as their leader so that they would all worship him and Mata Nui would be out of the picture. He only came up with the greater, body-possessing plan after that failed.


    In the universe of this game, he instead decided for a war to dominate the universe, presumably while he came up with some other way to get what he really wanted.


    In a way, yes. But I'll instead have Mutran be killed by Tren Krom, to deny Teridax the knowledge to take over Mata Nui's body. Yet, being inspired by the Barraki to usurp Mata Nui, he will use the Order's stored knowledge to both put Mata Nui to sleep, and gain technological superiority over the Matoran. Winning thusly the MU militarily. Plot hole closed. :P


    Yeah Tiragath, I think an older-style RPG could work in this day and age. Modernized, however.

  11. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer)


    The blade cut across his legs, slicing his boots and thighs. The blood, gushed out, only to be frozen seconds after leaving the wound. The pain became excruciating, as Larikon felt his wounds freeze semi-closed. His mind was growing strange, becoming ever more disoriented by the chill. The snow began to pile upon his knees, and grow steadily upward. But as a result of the elemental powers of the guards shifting towards the group by the gate, he found he could see slightly more.


    He would not freeze, he would live. Ak'rei'an had his side, his god was his fire, the fire that would not be snuffed out by the frost, the fire in his soul.


    "And Ak'rei'an said unto his followers, I shall purge the snow that freezes thy wheat, as I shalt be your Torchbearer, to bring unto the land light and warmth, where Mata Nui haste brought only darkness and frost!"


    Through his chattering, he said those words, the words from which he took his name. It was the verse where Ak'rei'an told the Matoran, ravaged by the cruel frosts of Mata Nui, that he'd give them eternal spring, eternal summer. That they would not have their crops fail, that they would have not their livestock freeze, that they would live in light. Guided by the Torch of knowledge, the Torch of Ak'rei'an. With his sword in hand, he charged at Icha, ready to kill the heathen, the heathen who worshipped that cruel spirit and fought for him.


    IC: (Rakona/The Storm)


    She swerved with the crack of the Crossbow, the bolt impacted her shoulder, leaving a gash in its wake. Rakona winced with the pain, but knew she had to carry on. The heathen would die. Her breath came out a cloud, as she painfully raised the whip, and brought it down upon the Guard. It was weaker than the last blow, but with the whipblades being of Protosteel, it would still hurt.


    IC: (Thentyle/The Gate)


    Thentyle could barely see. But from the glimpses he had of it before, the gate was to the front of him. Crouching to the ground, he formed an earthen shield around him, almost a bubble. Aside from a hole for him to attempt to see, the earth covered him, and shielded him from the windchill. It would give partial insulation as well, keeping the scant amount of warmth he had in him safe, at the least until he could get the gate. Slowly he walked, maintaining concentration to both find the gate, and to keep the bubble intact.


    The front side the bubble impacting something told him that he'd found the walls. It was a barrel, obscured by the white-out conditions, but yet partially visible. Waddling to the side, he could hear the crossbows firing, the dull thumps just under the howling of the wind.


    "Jaaku, are you a popsicle or what?"


    They'd both have to rig the explosives, with surplus mining fuses from the Darkmine era. Thentyle and Jaaku carried them both. Upon inspections, they worked fine, though it would be difficult to tie them in this weather.


    IC: (Weiss/The Storm)


    Weiss regretted he didn't bring a heavier coat. He was crouched in the hastily dug snow pit (To call it a trench would be an insult to trenches). The crossbow bolts whizzed over his head, and the sound of the Kane-Ra approaching was alarming. He kept his glaive to his side, and figured if anyone came near the knight, he'd be able to skewer one of the beasts.


    He shivered with the cold.


    IC: (Goran)


    He didn't need more wounds to hide. Being undead, the cold wasn't killing Goran per se, but was making him lethargic, and his body stiff. That was the part that bothered his simpler mind. The crossbow bolt lodged in his thigh didn't help matters whatsoever. Having no body heat, he kept a ray of heat over himself, to help keep his body mobile. His mind and ears, however, were quite unaffected, giving him a far better awareness of the battlefield.


    He couldn't see worth a darn, nonetheless.

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