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Dr. Keerakh

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Blog Entries posted by Dr. Keerakh

  1. Dr. Keerakh
    Whoa, it seems like BZPers have had enough of complaints of any kind. Post any negative feedback in the new sets topics and people will attack you like vicious dogs. I haven't done this, but have witnessed it. Hmmmm.
    I love some of the new sets, but some (like Tarix) just don't interest me. WHY must every year overuse the Inika torso? I LOATHE that thing.
    -Dr. K
  2. Dr. Keerakh
    Neither one is "wrong". They're part of dialects. Some Spanish words are spoken differently in Spain than in South America. Same with English. After a few hundred years of separation from its source, a language will change a bit. It's inevitable. So to go around correcting people about which spelling is wrong or right is silly. They're both valid.
    -Dr. K
  3. Dr. Keerakh
    I'm getting kind of fed up with blurry, bright closeups of MOCs, so here's some tips:
    MACRO: It's usually a small button on the back represented by a flower. If you have a smaller MOC that required getting kind of close to get good detail, or just want to get a close-up, use it. It brings close objects into sharp focus with the push of a button.
    TRIPOD: If you have one, by all means use it. Tripods will make very clear, non-blurry shots. This means that you don't have to use flash to capture crisp images anymore.
    LIGHTING: Lighting is everything. Never use flash inside. Ever. If you have a tripod and good light sources, you can take pics inside. But sunlight is always the best, most natural source of light you can use. Compare this to this. Both were taken with a tripod. But the first was taken inside with an artificial light source, while the second was taken outside. Also, you don't need a tripod outside because if the sun is bright enough, you can use flash to get clear images and the glare won't show up. I would recommend doing this when the sun is bright in the sky. As the light fades, flash will be more noticeable on the MOC.
    RESIZING: I don't care what excuse you have, I have no respect for a MOCist that can't even be bothered to size their image down any. I'm sick of seeing images that have been automatically resized to like 30%. You just come across as lazy and inexperienced to me, and if, as DV has said, it takes more than five seconds to load, I won't bother. You can resize images in Paint and in Picture Manager, so there's no excuse.
    Those are things, that, if everyone followed, would make me and many other members happy. PLEASE, try to do your best when taking pics of MOCs and sets. You will probably get more and better reviews if you actually give us something nice to look at.
    Make sure to check out the Photographing Lego Models topic in LGD, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
    -Dr. K
  4. Dr. Keerakh
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «What's with all the Latin-esque names? "Fero", "Metus", "Malum"? Lol. 
    Other than that, I think next year looks pretty good. The Titans look kind of cool. I must say I am disappointed somewhat with the Toa and Matoran. I'm beginning to really tire of the Inika torso. Seriously LEGO, four years of the same? (starting to sound like political ads). And to boot, now Lego has found their "comfort zone" with Matoran too? I don't really know what to say about them. Really, nothing sets them apart from Av-Matoran besides some cool weapons Pand masks.
    Still, hands + awesome weapons + awesome masks + cool color schemes (TAN!!!) make up for it.
    And the backgrounds are so 2001-ish

    -Dr. K
  5. Dr. Keerakh
    Is addicting.
    At least for the first week or so. I think my initial sense of discovery of its wonders is simmering down a bit. But still. I need to finish some banner requests soon, so it's probably best that I lay off of it.
    -Dr. K
  6. Dr. Keerakh
    Poison and Fire
    They're up, finally. They're also being shipped today, so that's good too.
    With this off my back, I'm going on a three day retreat tomorrow and coming back Friday, so don't expect to see me around. We can't bring laptops, which is probably a good thing actually.
    Not much point to this expect to announce that BBCC 50 is done for me... expect I still haven't PMed Tufi the entry! Better do that now.
    -Dr. K
  7. Dr. Keerakh
    I took pics of Tahu and Lehrak today, but right now I don't have time or access to Photoshop, so I can't lighten them yet. You'll have to wait until tomorrow, maybe even tomorrow night.
    I plan on shipping them tomorrow or Tuesday. I'll give word when I do.
    In other news, I'm starting school on Tuesday. But actually, it's just a "meet your teachers" 2-hour event, and the high-school goes on a retreat for Wed.-Fri. So really the first day of work is next Monday, so that's good.
    -Dr. K
  8. Dr. Keerakh
    I have an annuity but I need cash now, so I'll call J.G. Wentworth and get some cash now!
    I'm wondering if that's only a local commerical...
    Anyways, I live! After about a month of having nothing worth blogging about, I'm back. and the good news is, I have some things I can write about coming up. I have a MOC ready to take pics of an a WIP at hand, so keep an eye out for them soon.
    I've also tried my luck at Mistika hunting, without any results thus far. I've decided to get either Tahu or Gorast first. I've tried the local Wal-Mart and Target, but only came out with Kirop (who is still awesome). I'm beginning to see why people love him so.
    And to live up to the title, here's a link to my Mistika Banners topic: here. I'm itching for some feedback, so if you would like to make my day and put an end to my obsessive checking back on the topc and perpetual suspense, please leave a small comment or two. Please?
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
  9. Dr. Keerakh
    Alright, not really a tutorial, but here it is: if you want to make a simple, cheap, quick gloss on your banner on Photoshop, then you..
    1. Select the Marquee box. Set it to Elliptical Marquee.
    2. Create an oval selection on a new layer in which a little less than half of the selection is draped over the top of the banners. The way a gloss would look.
    3. Select fill. Fill with white, at maybe about 40-35% opacity. Use the opacity scroller if you have to later.
    4. Deselect, and voila! Instant gloss!
    But remember people, gloss doesn't make a banner good. If your banner is simple, elegant, or sleek and a gloss fits, go for it! But applying gloss won't make your banner look professional just like that. And bad banner with gloss still looks bad. And a good banner with gloss that doesn't fit looks bad too. Use wisely. Respect the gloss.
    And as a tip, if the gloss obstructs or covers up too much, it's best to leave it. It works with larger, more spread out images rather than condensed banners.
    Also, I saw Dark Knight yesterday. Sweetness. The Joker was great. So was
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Two-Face, who was awesomely disgusting. The whole thing was just a big thrill ride. You never knew what was going to happen next. I literally was suspecting every time someone was in a car or out the open that something would blow up or something nuts like that. And plus, Joker Nurse = XD. 
    "HIT ME!"
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
  10. Dr. Keerakh
    Looks like Mata-Nui's a real place.

    You'd be surprised by the number of Bionicle-related places you can find on Google Earth. There's tons of Baltas and Galis and who knows what else in the world.
    I mean, seriously...
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
  11. Dr. Keerakh
    I've never posted any stop-motion here before, as the short clips I've done don't really warrant a topic. But now that I have a blog, I guess I can post a little.
    These are the two best out of the ones I've done. The Velika one is pretty shaky towards the end, and the Idris one is a bit blurred by the effects, but whatever.
    Velika Inspects His Weapons
    Idris Does the Same
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
  12. Dr. Keerakh
    So I graduated from middle school tonight. It was fun, and school's finally over! Too bad everything from here on actually matters...
    Well, I have summer to look forward to and some leisure (finally). What are you guys graduating in?
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
  13. Dr. Keerakh
    After watching longingly for sometimes, I finally have a blog of my own. I've spent the day devising some icons and images, including the category pics I can't seem to incorporate into the block (any help here?). The early forms of this blog are pretty much done, and I guess it's time to sit back, relax, and use the thing. I'm looking forward to this.
    Unfortunately, with exams this coming week and a vacation following that, I won't have time to completely devote to this blog. With studying and whatnot, I"ll most likely just be able to check in on things. But I'll be here, adding things, tweaking and fixing things up. Then I'll have the summer to continue this blog and entertain you guys.
    Until then, I'd just like to thank Tahu-Taka-Nuva for making this Premier Membership possible. You're the best! And also, if anyone has any idea how to incorporate images into your category block, please tell me here.
    Until then...
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh

  14. Dr. Keerakh
    It's bizarre of me to resurrect this dinosaur of a blog, but even more bizarre that I don't actually remember acquiring lifetime premier membership. I don't even remember how I got the membership. It's interesting. In light of all the new, honorary blogs popping up, I realize that I thought I would be among them. But it turns out that my membership was longer than I suspected. Or remember.
    I'm losing it.
    -Dr. K
  15. Dr. Keerakh
    So I'm waking up tomorrow at 5 AM, so I have to go to sleep a little early tonight... which is a great way to bring in the new year. >_> I'll be skiing tomorrow though, so I guess it's good. Still, I wish I could see the ball drop and the Rose Parade... oh well.
    Did you hear 2008 is a second longer than normal years? It's a "leap second".
    Happy New Year's Eve!
    -Dr. K
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