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Status Updates posted by Iceter

  1. Amg happeh birfday.

    1. Chols


      thank you :3

  2. *Gives a present anyway*

    *Also gives a present from Protax*

  3. Yep, that's Iceter. Not exactly the same as in Quest for Makuta, though.

  4. Check my Epic. He signed up to be in it. Other than that, I'm not sure if I do.

  5. Hello. Thanks for the rating. :) I rated you a five already. :)

  6. Thanks. :) *Inhales the last of the air and dies*

  7. Hi. I is back from my yearly Christmas Trip. My Parents just handed me a guide for Pokémon Platinum, but I don't even have a DS. =P

  8. Did you know that the average amount of words in the Aethion Project is 1618.2? Yeah, I was bored, so I did a Word Count. =P

  9. I'm serious. Don't even joke about it...


  10. Thanks, Avlok. And seriously, stop with the "Wassup" Comments. I'm really getting tired of them.

  11. Is that you? I think it is, because you told me about that Hordika Post a few days ago...

  12. Why thank you for the happy birthday. :D I actually had testing in school that day...

  13. Yay, you're back! ^_^

  14. O_o Oookaay...

  15. Hello back to you?

  16. Do you mean the new BZP Chat?

  17. Oh... XD I thought you meant something in your epic, and I was thinking "I didn't say anything..." ...and I realized what you were gonna do. XD

  18. As far as I know, yes, my avatar is Sev.

  19. Hi. Welcome to BZP. :)

  20. Thanks, Zev. And hi to you too.

  21. Hi, Zev. I haven't talked to you in a while.

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