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HoT sHoT lIkEs JaAm

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Status Updates posted by HoT sHoT lIkEs JaAm

  1. HA HA, BOLOAGNA, AHH!!!-Heavy

  2. Left 4 Dead Rocks, nice avy.

  3. Welcome to BZPower Glaxy_Brick!

  4. What happeneds if I DO call "Gary"?

  5. Welcome to the rest of your internet LIFE!

    U need to resize your sige, admins will delete it.

  6. I want to pack my bags and join the Brain!

  7. I have never seen such a magnificant work of art and idea since D709, this truely inspires me, what [programs should I use to start?

  8. The NightOwls inspire me so mutch to go on with my epicomic dreams, I mean it.

  9. You and iPenguin are CREEPY.

  10. Why thank you, now the Noob on my profile can STFU :D :D

  11. I deny that you saw TLR in theaters, not angry or jealous, I just want some proof thats all. I mean GregF never said anything about a VIP contest. and What are the cards for?

  12. I was going to give you this rare fruit, but I forgot to eat lunch today, so.....

  13. How do you get the Rahi on your sig?

  14. The cube is alive, the cube is alive, the cube is aive, the cube is alive...

  15. You are a very bad person and there is no more cake left!

    -GLaDOS, Portal.

  16. But I'm really alki the ta-matoran, so yeah

  17. I'm known as "The Vampire Cop" on a game called Half-Life 2 DeathMatch...so yeah...welcome to the vampre ego club.

  18. I know a ME! from a game I play called half-life 2 deathmatch, but he has no "!"

  19. Is Ninjo Still the admin?

  20. hey where did your name come from, is it that source wars series?

  21. "You will be baked, then there will be cake."-GLaDOS, portal.

  22. Nooby, mcbooby, la shooby, o tooby...

    oh nooby. XD

  23. Why is your Proto down to zero?

  24. Oh, so you wouldn't understand the "speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out." :P

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