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Status Updates posted by zhalath

  1. They better be dire rat zombies. And they better spam.

  2. Now, all we need is a pit of darkness. And zombies.

  3. Minnesota is awesome.

  4. I'm winning the post war!

  5. I popped the tires on the truck of fail. Now, rock559, some comments somewhere should totally not be not deleted. Like Colorado.

  6. That is a big smile.

  7. DX is gone? Let's spam up his profile!

  8. Nice PP.

    RSD, you did not invent ownage. King Steve did.

    And I did eat that piece o bread.

  9. YoU wIlL cHaNgE yOuR aVaTaR.

  10. So, still female and 17?

  11. It means "to stab". I'm dead serious. Look it up.

  12. to avoid any copyright issues: *lancinates*

  13. Darn you and your duck!

  14. Well, I have more Phazon than you.

  15. Battle of the MoCists. You ready?

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