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Everything posted by zhalath

  1. Yeah, I do like Star Wars! Why, may Chaos take me if you know more than me about it!

  2. What's that mean in your statement?

  3. Hey, I've only died ONCE, and that was my own fault.

  4. Your head a splode.

  5. I see you have achieved masculinity once again. Good jorb.


    *writhes in pain as body and soul explode*

  7. *grabs DX in icy grip of the grave* Hey, QUIET! I'm trying to eat this bowl of ice cream. *lifts up bowl of ice cream*

  8. You must be another SPECIAL member of BZP.


    *pulls out gun*


    Problem solved.

  10. Still a cybernetic Necron girl? There's a Visine for that.

  11. Hello. Ka-Chan and DX are certifiably insane, in case you haven't noticed.

  12. DX, in case you haven't noticed, I ate the knives I stole from you. And your soul.

  13. No, I just read Wookieepedia.

  14. I take it you like Maxilos.

  15. I still have your knives. You need help.

  16. I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I DON'T DANCE. And it's hard to dance when your true form has no feet.

  17. New body, but still female?

  18. I..DON'T....DANCE...

  19. You know what? Have a bowl of ice cream.

  20. Hah! All your knives are belong to me!

  21. In case you ever want to change back, I know a guy who knows a ghoul...

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