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Whooper Swan

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Status Updates posted by Whooper Swan

  1. Out of plain curiosity, do you read my comics?

  2. Hey BC, how's it going? I got some new comics up.

  3. Hey ~GBG~, how's it going? I got some new comics up.

  4. Hey KD, how's it going? I got some new comics up.

  5. Hey sevvy, how's it going? I got some new comics up.

  6. Do you? Huhuhuhuhuhuh, do ya? Huh?

  7. Do you still read my comics?

  8. Did you try my URL?

  9. Do you still read my comics?

  10. Do you read my comcis?

  11. Will you reply to my topic?

  12. http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Grindor_(Movie)

    Look at the text underneath the picture. And boy, Soundwave was awsome, I hope he's in the sequal. Who's your favorite Autobot?

  13. Yeah, but there not quite the same. But they probably won't have him in the movies. So, who's your favorite "new" character?

  14. I know, where did he come from? But what did you think of the new Jetfire?

  15. I liked the new jetfire alot, even though they changed him quite a bit. What did you think of him?

  16. Are you going to go to college?

  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one who mourns for Billy Mays.

  18. Did you see it?

  19. I thought it was awsome, espaically the part where Bumblebee kills ravage. Though Optimus beat The Fallen to easily.

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