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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    Or both? (I don't think both is a responsible option.)
    Last year I went to BrickCon for the first time, and it was awesome. I saw friends I hadn't seen for years, met new friends, experienced a convention on the other coast and got to visit Seattle again after too long away. I even got to visit Oregon for the first time through Portland which was also really cool. I had been planning on going back, even getting a rewards credit card for redeeming a portion of a plane flight bill.
    But friends had been calling me to BricksCascade in March as well, in Portland. Slightly smaller, lots of prizes and free LEGO giveaways, plus the chance to visit another convention. It all sounds like great as to be expected.
    But with all the tugging, I haven't chosen a direction (aside from West and slightly North). Help!
    I am also considering skipping any of the plane travel and heading up to New York Comic Con in October. It sounds awesome, I know Sisen is going, and it'll be great to be engaged with all the LEGO stuff TLG has put there.
    The other option is sticking on this coast and going to BrickFair in October, or BrickFair in January. Decisions decisions.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    Here are my pix.
    Here are another WAMALUG member's (Abe Friedman's) pix.
    I don't have any more to link to for you right now...but just search "BrickFair 09" or something in Flickr and you'll get a bunch. Happy Weasel (WAMALUGger Dan Rubin) has some good ones.... However, you'll have to wait for some news reports to get full stories behind them.
    Also, current wallpaper (subject to change to a 9-themed one before Sept 9). Y'all in it should consider yourselves special/lucky; I don't normally do walls with [real] people in them.
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Since I don't have time to give you a full report of what I did.
    Yes I have a prototype, but I'll show that off later.
    I met a ton of cool people who I will list later (for reasons a certain North Dakotan will know).
    There were a bunch of other cool people there who I had already met.
    I got a bunch of free stuff.
    I bought a few things at a ridiculous discount.
    I bought a BrickArms phaser and received a free, black, prototype Storm Trooper gun.
    I now have 3 red and 3 yellow Bitil wings, among some other System pieces which will come in handy.
    LEGO Bingo is fun, in good company.
    BrickFair 2010 is August 5-9, 2010!
    Yeah that's it for now since I have to go sleep since I'm heading to school Sunday morning. If I have time I'll get pix up and write a news report or so and blog some more.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    (August 5-8, 2010, Dulles Expo Center)
    Here's the problem: BrickFair starts the day after the National Boy Scout Jamboree. Luckily, I won't need to stay any later than when it ends; everyone leaves on the same day.
    Talking to my RA, she had to be at school during the first weekend of August. That is the same weekend as BF10 next year.
    I'm applying to be an RA (and my friend's support me, so I'm not completely crazy, I guess, so it makes me think I have potential to get it).
    However, with budget cuts, the arrive date was a week later than last year, so what if that continues and I don't have to be there until August's second week?
    If I get the position, and I go to the Jamboree, then, from what I know now, I can't really go to BrickFair 2010.
    However, right now I'm deterred away from the Jambo because, from the way I'd be attending, the time I spend having fun would only amount to a few days. I would only get a few days to really enjoy myself for everything the Jambo has (I went 5 years ago and it was a blast). (I'd be attending as an OA member, doing service but going for half the price.)
    So, if I don't go, then I have a few days before the Jamboree free.
    If I don't get the RA position, then I have a few days after BrickFair free.
    Now, I understand that BZP members such as Nukaya and Arpy are tempted (or more than tempted) in attending. I really want (kinda need if you don't come back to the East coast anytime soon) to meet you two, at least. (Hanging out with Argetlam again would also be cool.) Also, while you are here in DC, you really should tour the sites.
    Also, I understand EW is attending the Jambo. Able to stick around a few more days for BrickFair?
    What I'm getting at is there should be time for us all to hang out before/after BrickFair some more. It's just that I'm unsure about my life/plans right now, so I can't encourage you to come early or leave late. I'm also ranting because that's what I do in my blog since this keyboard (and you) is such a good listener. I also don't want you all to buy tickets the day they're available (I'm looking at you, Nukaya) so some plans can be made first. (Plus, I hear they won't be at their cheapest on the first day. Maybe wait until New Years?)
    (Apologies for talking about BF10 before I show you stuff from BF09....)
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Arpy and I are going to Roman Catholic mass over BrickFair weekend, because, you know, it's kind of...important.
    Essentially this is to ask if anyone else going to BrickFair also needs a ride with us. Since I'll have a car. Just let me/us know by Saturday before we leave. (I can only think of one person off the top of my head...)
    I think the most sensible thing to do would be the 5:00 mass at St. Veronica's on Saturday night (that parish, as well as St. Timothy's, is just 2.5 miles from the con). We'll get back just in time for the yard sale. (Sunday morning masses have yet to be ruled out though.)
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    Wasn't too bad. Probably the thing I'm missing most out on by not being the whole weekend is being able to hang with some amazing BZPower members, such as but not limited to: Omi, Roa, DV, Kohaku, B6, KIE, Magpi, Rayg, Smeag, the Rachira twins and their brother Mieko, and probably some other awesome members I can't remember the names of (sorry guys.)
    The show itself was cool as usual. I could list off Lego themes, but you know them already. There was some impressive stuff there. Especially on the BBC Contest table and the Bionicle section (which was the first thing people saw even before they paid to get in.) About half the Bionicle stuff was Roa's, but the other half was from everybody else and was very impressive. We've got some great MOCist out there! (Arpy, I was dissapointed to see the selection of MOCs you chose to send. What we really wanted was the best of the best, and I was wondering why your stuff was so...basic. (Though the Nui Rama was sweet!) Sorry to put it bluntly, it's midnight.)
    Crustaceous and my Bionicle Chess Set were/are on display.
    The Brick Bazaar was cool. I got a bunch of Star Wars round tiles, various minifig accessories, and a frog so I can finially make some frogspace! I also got Battle Arachnoid for $7 (I probably should have tried for $6) only to find out later that the Lego Outlet I was at was selling it for $4. Oh well. I bought a BrickFair shirt and copper pin too. We later went to my local Lego store and I got the Indiana Jones Motorcycle Chase set. Then at the Lego Outlet I bought the Lego Star Wars shirt I had wanted for so long: Vader's TIE chasing Luke's X-wing.
    So I think I'm done with my Lego buying for now. I need to save up for here on campus. I might get the $10 Storm Trooper set if it is available, but I've decided to put Takanuva on my Christmas list.
    Oh, QotD's are going to be sporadic now. If I feel like popping my flash drive into one of these school computers, then you may get a quote. Other than that, it's midnight and I don't feel like the extra work. If only my laptop was working....
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Number of sets obtained for little to no money: 8 (give or take)
    Number of half-filled gallon bags holding free/cheap parts: 5
    Number of free assorted Zamor obtained: 221
    Amount of money made at the yard sale: More than I expected, honestly. And then I spent 2/3 of it that same night!
    Number of photos taken: 365
    Average cost per meal: $10 (Breakfast cereal is your friend)
    Amount of MOCs brought: Lost count. At least 12.
    Times I won Fibbage: 1
    Times I absolutely lost it playing QuipLash: At least 12.
    Miles driven: About 181
    Number of memories made: 5
    (Just kidding. How can I count that?)
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    (Until we have a better name.)
    Nukaya and I are plotting planning a nice big mosaic for BrickFair, kind of like this, but not that big. (If you haven't heard.)
    The first image we wanted to do was of the Toa Mata, but shrinking that down has been problematic. The next idea was something with less colors (it'll be easier for our participants to get colors), so I acquired a nice big picture of the Hau/Mata Nui, but IMO that's dark and uninteresting. So now we are at a halt, pondering what kind of image to use. We are now open to suggestions. (I'm currently thinking of a black background with the UDD symbol in the middle and the six Mata Kanohi around it.)
    The plan is to figure out this big mosaic (using a program(s) we are looking in to). Then we will divide it into 32x32 pixelated squares with list of how many of each LEGO plate element is needed in the various colors. We will then take volunteers who are going to BrickFair and/or can bring/send their baseplates to the con. Assembled, it will be awesome.
    A couple questions/points: You will need 32x32 baseplates (standard, not the big grey ones or smaller ones) (though I guess two 32x16 will work). The goal is to limit colors to what you already have in your LEGO collection, in the form of tiles (most notably 1x1 studs, but I have no doubt this will be made up of more than those). HOWEVER, I personally will not mind placing an order of up to $20 or so just to acquire the right pieces, so the question is: who is also willing to "invest" in this project?
    I'm sure that was a little overwhelming. (That's how I am: I want all the info at once so I know what I'm getting into, so naturally I give all the info I can as well.) I'll leave it at that for now, and don't forget to 1) Read Nukaya's blog as well for more info and a wider range of grabbing viewership and 2) pay attention to our blogs, side content block panels*, and signatures/banners* for more info (leading up to BrickFair 2010).
    *Coming up. Not complete yet.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    In case you haven't heard, Nukaya and I have this cool idea about having a community-built LEGO mosaic coordinated in time for BrickFair. Basically, each volunteer would be tasked with building a 32x32 segment on a baseplate with the studs facing out. (More details here for the general info.)
    But here's the problem: We both can't figure out the PicToBrick LEGO mosaic program. We've started working with it, as in we can load images, crop them, and try to mess around with the colors, but the mosaic images do not turn out with just five/six/seven colors we want. Apparently if it will work properly it will look like a mosaic, with limited colors, and then can even list out how many of each color is needed! That would be amazing, so if anyone can get it to work properly (the various settings and whatnot), then please, get in contact with us and we hope you can help to see this plan through. (Don't worry about the exact picture just yet. That'll come after it works. If it works.)
    We'll want to finalize a picture(s) soon, otherwise it will be too late to do this. We want to provide June and July at least for buying pieces and sending the square to me.
    Edit: I think the biggest problem might be the fact that we want so few colors on such a detailed image. For example, if we were going to use a red Rahkshi head, it would come out as a solid red blog because it would not detail it without dark red and shading instead of adding in some black and/or dark grey or something. If you have any suggestions please post them. Arpy suggested MNOG images, for the less detail. Hmm...
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    So here's the deal:
    BrickFair prep is at a standstill.
    Like, I'm pretty sure I'm not building anything else.
    Sad things is I haven't build a single noteworthy thing (or a single thing maybe) since the Odradek.
    Which is totally coming to BrickFair.
    Along with my SHIP, this 2 year old thing, and the fishbowl.
    And I've just about reassembled Crustaceous back to his crab-like state.
    And maybe my Toa team, another Toa, and Piraka Fusion will make it into the car, and then onto the display tables.
    But I won't get to make a Wheatley mosaic. A floating micro-city on a space-rock with engines is out of the question. And forget about the Steampunk coordinator building something steampunky. ("Just put some gears on it, and call it steampunk.")
    Because I fear for my head that until I send out a few more resumes and attempt to get into freelancing/publish a freelanced article or two, my dad will get on my case for breaking out the brick.
    On that note, I'll fix up Crustaceous and make sure my SHIP is in order if it's the last thing I do. I can procrastinate more on real-job stuff another week, right?
    But hey I've received MOCs so far from awesome people, and more are on their way. KUTGW!
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    What a fantastic time! I miss you all. I love you all.* I say that ever year. But hey, there was merriment, there was fun, there was friendship, there was building, there was a bit of everything. I will definitely remember this year fondly like I do every year.
    And boy did I had a good time with everyone! Granted, I didn't get enough time with everyone, and I like to take my "everyone" in separate chunks, but putting everyone together in the same place really makes BrickFair feel like a LEGO Christmas. It's those moments that really make it special, even if it's 2 AM in a giant hotel room with a cool drink in hand.

    BrickFair highlights for me include my SHIP being nominated for two Brickees (though I didn't win), meeting set designer Marcos Bessa who made a ton of superhero sets like the Milano (and even took a picture holding it on the set of the actual ship) and is a big X-Men fan, seeing the LEGO Brickumentary for free (everyone should see it), and getting lots of good deals and free swag (bubble helmets!).

    I also walked around with a huge BrickBadge, as usual. This was my 11th year going to a LEGO convention, and my 12th convention under my belt. (And I might get to BrickFair NJ this October, making a third for this year.) My BrickBadge looked something like this all weekend:

    It's actually a great conversation starter! People always say "you've been doing this for a while!" or something, and then a few other bricks point out themes I'm active in that they should definitely check out. This year I made a tiny Pharaoh's Labyrinth vignette which I think really adds to the pizzazz.
    We should really just make this thing two weeks long. We could actually plan movie nights that don't start at midnight, take plenty of photos, build to our hearts' content, visit DC, sleep in, and tell each other our deepest darkest LEGO secrets.
    Until next time, play well!
    *BrickFair theme tehe.jpg
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    I've met Argetlam. He's awesome.
    I've also met Janus, LevahkLah (girl, BTW), and a few others.
    Not to mention seeing everyone else again that I've met over the years.
    Fun stuff. More tomorrow!
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    Typing this at BrickFair right now. I brought my laptop since I need it to plan out another mosaic piece before the public comes tomorrow.
    So far it's been great! I've finally got to meet Arpy, Nukaya Cloud Fire, xccj, and a few other members (I'll update my sidebar soon.)
    The giant Mindstorms chess board is here! (Actually, one of two.)
    I'm wearing my Brickbadge with BrickFest 06 and BrickFair 09 badges along with this year's, with Sonic Screwdriver on the side and some Firefly characters on it.
    Tonight is the Running of the Bulls at the LEGO store, where they will have damaged and thus discounted sets, along with everything else probably for a small discount. I hope to get the Star Wars Pirate Tank, Scopio, and I'll be picking up a baseplate. Maybe this will be a $100 purchase, my biggest yet! (I'm living on the edge at BricKkair!)
    Bingo time. gtg
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    Yay! I'm going to Brickfest 2006!
    I'm entering in THIS MOC, to start. I'm working towards putting in my Fused Piraka, and a minifig sized lawn mower.
    Anyway, Brickfest is a big event that happens in Virginia, USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy; August 25, 26, 27, standard Earth timing. This year it is at the Sheraton Premier Hotel in Tysons Virginia. Visiting hours are on Saturday (26) and Sunday (27) from 12-4, PM. $10 for both days, $7 for one day. There is a ton of rooms for every theme. The Bionicle Room is organized this year by BZP's Omicron! It should be great. But that's not all. There is a Mecha room, Space, Star Wars, Town, Train, Castle, Mindstrom, FLL, and the newest: Dark Room.
    The Dark Room is a room that has its lights out. Then black lights are fitted in. The MOCs on display are planned for this, and contain transparent/luscent peices. This makes the MOCs glow eerily. This years theme is water/ocean/sea, etc...
    So, I hope to see you there!
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    That's right! If you haven't already seen the topic here, then go to it. It needs support, because it's not top 10 for some reason.
    In there is everything you need for your viewing pleasure of the BF06 pix!
    please post, everyone should see these!
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    But wait there's more!
    That's right! There is more BF06 stuff. Just when you thought I couldn't talk about any more of my exciting time there, I can!
    First off, I'm about halfway through organizing my pix. Expect them sometime next week.
    Second, I have a list of BZPers there I met and took down their name: (In no particular order):
    Kopaka's Ice Engineering
    LetoII (soon to be Sajuuk)
    Bionicle Rex
    But wait there's more!
    Story time!
    So there's friendly (I hope) competition between themes. Basically when there is a large group, people start shouting out their favorite theme.
    Basically, you'll hear Town, Train, Castle, Space, and others shouted across the room during quiet moments. So, me being the smart one, shouted something out when it started to die down. What did I shout out? Well, I like to comprimise. So...
    So, yeah.
    But wait there's more!
    I really like what Kelly/Bink said in the video he narrarated. Basically, he was about to make a comment about a competator of LEGO, but didn't/couldn't say the brand name. So, he called it "Brand M." We all know what this is refering to, and it got me thinking. BZPower has a rival site (not by a long run) that we could refer to as "Site M." Weird, huh.
    Well, with that, I just want everybody to know it'll be a while between posts now, with school started and all.

  17. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, it started Friday, Aug 25. (maybe thursday night)
    Boy was it awesome. I got dropped off at 8:00 (even though it started at 9:00) My mom signed a paper because I'm under 18, and left. So I'm standing around watching people try to get registration started, in my hands my shoebox with 4 MOCs in it and a gift for "Dirty Brickster"
    I register at say...8:45. Get my brickbadge and have to make some of it. (It's a rule)
    My brickbadge says:
    -Benjamin P*****
    -Brickfest 2006
    They all say BF06, and you build the clapper shutter on top. This year's theme is showbiz.
    We also get a goodie bag/tote bag. It has the BF06 logo on it and is awsome. In it is free stuff like a magnet, custom guns by custom modelers, and a welcome booklet explaining BF. I also got my BF06 shirt but kept my BZPower one on.
    Thoughout the event I changed the decorations on my Brickbadge:
    Brutaka's mask, to...
    Spiderman, to...
    flames, to...
    visorak and a green Kakama, to...
    Visorak and a proto miru nuva
    So I get in, and people are all over the place setting up their own models. I find the Bionicle table but no Omicron. I walk around trying to find where everything is. That's outside the Grand Ballroom where most of the MOCs are. I'm trying to find the Bionicle Room to find Omi to set up my MOCs.
    In the end I walk around the GB and set up my two non-Bio MOCs. One of them being my friend's and is very delicate, and practically fell in half even with layers and layers of bubble wrap, the other classified wrong and had to be moved.
    But wait, there's more!
    I go to a talk on minifig customization. It's actually a class! We get to take the design off a minifig body and put on a BF06 logo. We are also taught how to take a stud off the top of a explorer hat, and drill holes for gogels.
    So I'm still looking around for Omi and in the end just set up my MOCs in the Bio room. Then I look around in the GB at everyone setting up their castles, towns, moonbases, big spaceships, etc.
    At about 12 o'clock I find Omi. And Rayg. We walk around together looking at everything. We also meet another BZPer (who's name I wrote down but is upstairs in my room and I don't feel like moving) and we basically hung around for the rest of the day.
    But wait, there's more!
    We go to the BrickBazaar and but things, like minifigs and peices. I got Spiderman $3), Doc Ock($3.50, but afterword found out he was $3 at another place), and some great peices: 56 flames ($1), 7 lightsaber blades blue and green ($1), 25 lightsaber handles and 1 curved Dooku and 1 grey ($1)
    The whole brickfest experience: priceless
    I went back later that weekend and got some sweet peices as well.
    At about 3 o'clock somebody mentions lunch and we decide it'd be a good idea to get some. We order pizza and eat it in the Bionicle room because a hotel guy said we couldn't eat in the hotel eating place we were at.
    But wait, there's more!
    We keep looking at models and then go to the opening ceremony. Pretty fun and I kinda forget some of it. Basically, welcome to Brickfest, highlights, and don't forget that judging will end tonight.
    I left at 10 o'clock.
    I also met Cajun on Friday and K.I.E...maybe Bionicle Rex. Either that or on saturday.
    But wait, there's more!
    I got to BF06 on Saturday at 8:30. Looked at some models. There is this one of a larger than life Battle Droid that when you push a button, it unfolds and stands up.
    At 10 o'clock, there was the Keynote speaker, who is a CEO of Lego. He was a great speaker talking about the hows and whys of Lego. He made it clear Lego focused on the target audience versus the large amount of AFOL's* there and around the globe.
    He also talked about the new Mindstorms NXT, and how there was a panel of 4 people, and then 11, and then a lot!
    But wait, there's more!
    Also in his talk was a film about AFOLs and how they enjoy their lives with Lego included. Best of all, it was narrated by Binkmeister, who sadly couldn't make it to BF this year. It was full of laughs. One of my favorites was a quick reference to imitators of Lego bricks, and he wouldn't say any names, but that he will refer to this as "Brand M"
    Before 12 o'clock I grabed some lunch and waited for my friends to show up for visiting hours. When they came I gave them a tour that they led also. A favorite was the Great Ball Contraption. This was a buncho of builders working together to connect all of their contraptions side by side, and using motors move Lego soccer and Backet balls from one thing to another.
    But wait, there's more!
    We also went to a talk about Lego Design. This was about things that stresses the Lego elements. Such as putting a click hinge halfway between two nobs. Also a cone in a brick, because it can break the brick like a wedge. And it's not the best idea to put a lightsaber blade in a transparent cone because they are made of the same plastic.
    At 10 o'clock was the Dirty Brickster. This is a white elephant game gift exchange. Basically, each person brings a gift. An order is decided and people choose gifts. The first gift is chosen and unwrapped. The next person can either choose another gift of steal the prevous one.
    I stole Krekka from someone, but that was stolen from me. I then stole a box of bionicle and roborider peices, which was good, because no AFOL* would want that right? Well, I was looking through it and I found a chrome Hau. I made the mistake of pulling it out and another person stole the whole collection just for that to sell on ebay. I stole krekka back and he is a great set.
    But wait, there's more!
    Sunday was great too. I got there at 10:30 and immediatly went to a talk about BrickJournal. There should be a paper issue coming out withing a year. This came from the discussion of perhaps making is paper media versus internet, and charging say...$50 for 6 issues in a one year subscription. An example was given that this was the Brickmaster of AFOL's*
    I then went to a talke about Mecha building and got some great ideas there to try out if I ever find enough time to break into my system box.
    My friends showed up again and we kept looking around. Later we went to see some brickfilms. There were some pretty good ones.
    My favorites were:
    The Lucky rejection (about the sad hobo)
    and the Time Traveling Janitors
    They left and I was on my own again. Closing ceremonies came and sadly, that meant BF06 was over.
    But wait, there's more!
    It was fun to go around the GB and see it as it was being taken down. And then I went to the Bionicle room with Omi and Rayg.
    But wait, there's more!
    Overall, this was a blast! I can't wait for next year, with the talks and everything else that makes this a great event recognized by Lego. I made some great friends and some awesome memories.
    I also got some great masks. 2 proto-silver Miru Nuva, 3 transparent Kaukau, and a red and green Matatu. That's right! Misprints! I also have "Free the Band" patches. I hope to be trading all this along with a signed comic 3 (volume 2)
    It was great meeting Omi, Rayg, K.I.E., and all the other BZPers.
    See everyone next year at BF07!
    *Adult Fan Of Lego
    PS: Sorry I don't have pix yet. But it would be insane for me to load up 300 photos on dial-up. I'll do it at school one day soon and it will take almost no time at all!
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    The Bricks Cascade LEGO convention took place this weekend in Portland, Oregon. After hearing from friends how it's worth visiting, this year I was able to see for myself!
    At about 200 AFOL attendees, it was a little small for what I was used to. But that meant a much higher chance of snagging deals, getting into some games and taking home some freebies.
    On Friday I played the Mixels Mix Up, where players combined two Mixels sets into something else (using all the pieces). I got third place in the judging (and more free sets)! And then on Saturday I got second place in the one-handed speed build with a City set! (No prize.) And since everyone was guaranteed to win a big set, I won the latest iteration of the Mos Eisley Cantina set! There were a few other perks due to support LEGO has started contributing to conventions.
    There were plenty of cool MOCs on display (pictures coming soon to the front page), some big, some small, and something that stood out in every theme. Keep in mind the con was "tiny" by my usual standards, but MOCs were still impressive both for the attendees and the public.
    Speaking of the public, Micah tipped me off that local Marvel Comics scribe Matt Fraction was visiting on Saturday. Due to my wishful thinking (wishful hoping) that he would, I wore my Hawkeye #3 "Because boomerangs" t-shirt, met him and had him sign it! (Majhost is down, so no pictures.) He immediately recognized the shirt to which I said it was my favorite issue. It was really cool meeting him since I missed out at New York Comic Con.
    For me, the main attraction has become less on MOCs and sales and more on hanging out with friends! Getting to the West Coast has different advantages than the East Coast, so I was able to see some friends I haven't seen in years, and some friends I haven't seen in months. Other members also attended, so making new friends was just another perk. You know who you all are. It was great to be able to spend time with everyone, and I think I divided my time appropriately (and hanging out as a group was great too).
    I also made sure I took some time to hike the famed great outdoors of Oregon. On Monday xccj and I hiked Eagle Creek and then stopped by Multnomah Falls. Due to the weekend's rain, all the waterfalls along the Eagle Creek trail were at full blast and made for some amazing scenery. Absolutely beautiful. It was great to be able to go hiking and get some fresh air, something I hadn't done in way too long.
    And now, another fun event has come and gone. I wholeheartedly recommend seeing if there is a LEGO convention or similar event in your area (even if going is a committed day trip) for any country. BZPower aims to have a large presence at many of the US-based conventions, discussed in our Event forum along with the goal to display your MOCs!
    My next big event will be BrickFair VA in August, but I plan on building some more between now and then. Events like this rejuvenate my inspiration to build something different and, if I really want to aim towards some awards, big and unique.
    Until then, leg godt!
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    So I got this in my email today:

    There is a cool logo on the web site.
    Funny thing is I'm not an AFOL (I'm 16)
    I expect that Omi, KIE, Binky, Cajun, and any other AFOLs and anyone at Brickfest would have gotten this, too.
    Sounds pretty cool. Wish I could go. But I'll still be promoting it!
    Is anyone going?
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    It's a sad day when Hank Green tells you that what is essentially published Twilight fanfiction has sold more copies than Ray Bradbury ever did in his entire life.
    So it turns out nerdfighteria will be mass-reading Fahrenheit 451. Which sounds great because I have yet to read it (never required in high school. Or 1984, but we had to read Brave New World which I still take to heart 5 years later...) and think a big group thing like that sounds fun.
    Until then I'll quickly finish John Green's The Fault in Our Stars (a perfect book!) and Batman: Hush.
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