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Everything posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. Just kidding. I haven't shaved for over a week. -CF Speaking of November, I'm having a really hard time being motivated to start NaNoWriMo this year. I just have so much other stuff going on that I don't want to neglect by insisting I type on my computer for a few hours each day. That, or I don't have a story formed yet. If I did I'd probably want to jump right in. I was thinking of retrying one of two stories I've tried for the past two years, one steampunk and one sci-fi. And now I'm thinking I might just try both in one story! Maybe. *Sigh*
  2. I just finished reading Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli! The feels! Such a fantastic piece of literature, it spoke to me in ways that reflect my appreciation for similar John Green books. It tore out my heart and broke it and put it together and ripped it up again and and and... uggg the feels! Heartbreaking moments, happy moments, moments where you jump up and down in joy and others where you want to punch the main character in the gut because he's being a typical high school boy that cares more of what his friends think even though he's dating the coolest girl ever but the school hates her. Though I am probably biased because I don't care what other people think of me, and even then in high school I didn't and I knew that in his shoes I would have made different decisions than he, even back then. But the feels! I avoided reading this back in 7th or 8th grade when my English teacher recommended it to the class, because at that age I didn't want to read what I thought was a "girl book." That being said, it's a boy narrator and the girl is awesome. But I don't think I would have appreciated that back then, whereas now I absolutely revel in young adult fiction that decides to toy with my emotions and ask the BIG QUESTIONS and have BIG IDEAS (see my John Green comment above. His books do that and I love them to death). -CF
  3. ChocolateFrogs


    BZPower reporting is a-ok for resumes in my book. I've done it! Best of luck! -CF
  4. ChocolateFrogs

    Bohrok Pens

    Sorry, I don't have any. But I've also got an idea for minifig-scale Bohrok using the HF handcuffs as the shields. Maybe. -CF
  5. Yes. But where are the pants from? -CF
  6. If The Doctor and Martha saw the moon landing a few times, as they said they had in Blink, then presumably they would have seen the part with the Silence in it, but not remember it, but of course remember seeing something that when The Eleventh Doctor saw the silence he would think "kill it on sight." Right?Gah paradoxes.-CF
  7. Is there anything more awesome? I thought not. Current wallpaper too! That is all. B) -CF
  8. And DC Super Friends... GroansLet's see, DC animated movies...Have you seen "Batman: Under the Red Hood"? Animated comic movie gold there, I tell you.-CF
  9. Eccleston is a little hard to get into, but he grows on you (hopefully). I think that once you start watching Tennant you'll appreciate the way Eccleston handled Nine as having "survivor's guilt"--serious but still getting back into his playful Doctor mode. Ten sheds all of that at his regeneration and gets back to being goofy.Also some of the Series 1 stories are pretty epic around after Dalek.-CF
  10. To each his own. Davies has some good episodes, but if anything leads up to the season finale he writes it is very subtle throughout the season. Moffat, I feel, works in big ideas, and uses every bit of the science-fantasy genre of Doctor Who to his advantage. Sure, he has some "bad" episodes too, but I haven't found much flaw with him. Davies was great for starting out the show easy for new viewers, but I love what Moffat does to reward the fans. Moffat doesn't like the shows where one doesn't have to think.-CF
  11. Step 1) Get enough money to go to a Doctor Who convention.Step 2) Get enough money to get a thousand black foam cubes that look like the ones from The Power of Three.Step 3) Leave them lying around all over the place during the convention, probably on Saturday so by mid-afternoon the convention has been properly "invaded."Step 4) ???Step 5) Profit!-CF
  12. Presumably. I don't choose what parts I get. I just get handed a handful of the stuff LEGO gave BZPower. Some of that stuff is either real parts or stuff that doesn't look too different. Sometimes it's more "yay another piece from a long time ago!" than actual weird colored things. LEGO gemstones?!?!?!?! -CF
  13. I am sending out the second batch of BrickFair MOCs today before work. Sorry it's taken so long--between two people receiving MOCs for two conventions, there was a lot to sort through and a lot of addresses, usernames, and MOCs to match up. And return shipping.* So if you sent something to BrickFair or the convention in May/June, expect your MOC to arrive soon (unless it already did!). Unless these are your MOCs, in which case I have no idea who they belong to and I need you to PM me. (Otherwise I get free pieces!) Everyone has a prototype piece in their box. I wish some of you could get more than one (two arms of one color, etc) for having such cool MOCs, but alas that wouldn't be fair. -CF *New rules for next year: Cash (rounded up to the nearest $5 increment) or paypal only. No checks, exact change, or stamps. Gosh stamps are the worst. And I don't like worrying about if the stamps enclosed are enough to get it back. Just one of many reasons it's taken this long. And be sure to follow the procedure of pictures, name/username, address, please.
  14. Well that threw my emotions out the window forever.-CF
  15. Which is why we were electing not to... -CF
  16. And today the Whovians shall watch Doctor Who and experience heartbreak as we have never felt before. My girlfriend and I are aiming for a BBC livestream so we can watch at 2:30 instead of abandoning our friends at 9:00. Or waiting a few days. -CF
  17. One theory I've seen is that The Doctor is meeting them in reverse this season. Like, Angels Take Manhattan is his first encounter with them after so long, but for them it's their (*teardrop*) last. So he then starts meeting up with them to squeeze in a few last adventures. Which explains a few weird things that have gone on, like not knowing some of their problems or making a few actions in a weird-ordered timeline that makes sense to him but not them.-CF
  18. I agree about that thing, I felt it was a bit jarring. I've been thinking all of these episodes could have done with being two-parters, as they all felt like they tried to do too much in one segment of time.I think I'll just go for the 'loads of card cubes coloured black' option. Makes for larger quantities and all that I could even put surprises inside...I know Moffat doesn't want any 2-parters this season, which is great, but I felt that this episode could have been done well split. Not the others though, because there wasn't really two stories to tell. But this could have been "invasion/what is happening/Doctor shenanigans" and then "now we make the big plan to stop it because we're awesome."-CF
  19. So I really enjoyed The Power Of Three until... I think I'll be able to build to build one of those cubes out of LEGO though, with a trans-blue tint in the middle of each side. Hehe.-CF
  20. I mailed out 9 MOCs today. I remember mailing Arpy's, Bunda's, and one to Sweden. But I don't remember the rest and don't have my list on me right now. So until I get that list, and also mail out the other 9, let's assume it's yours that was shipped out. -CF
  21. Alright, list famous British/UK actors you wish were in Doctor Who. Cross out names you're glad finally made their appearance since they are required to by British law.Mark StrongEwan McGreggorMark SheppardBill Nighy-CF(I probably have more people to add to those lists but I can't remember them off the top of my head.)
  22. "Or do they not actually say that?" Happy talk like a pirate day! -CF (No, wait, that one's not right...) (Also, today's xkcd: )
  23. I haven't seen them at the Targets near me. Then again, I'm only in Target a few times a year. So I usually get mine from TRU. Or BrickLink. -CF
  24. I know almost nothing about episode 4. To which I am very excited. Everything will be a surprise! I haven't even watched the trailer yet, only heard a blip of a guest from this series returning. That's it. And the episode title from the wallpaper put out. Plot, quotes, location/time period--all a mystery to me! -CF(Also, we just had a "good adventure on regular old Earth." )
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