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Status Updates posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. No no. A great opportunity to make random realize we're crazy.

    But I think I'll bring it to school after break. That'll be a site!

  2. Not literally use only two Piraka. MOC what it may look like afterwards without making it too simple, I guess. I actually don't own Reidak or Vezok, who are fused into my MOC.

  3. Note: Turns out the Chipotle day is after 6 PM, so don't expect a free lunch.

  4. Of course Howl's Moving Castle is awesome!

    Now read the book.

    Anything by Miyazaki is great. I need to get some of his movies on DVD.

  5. Oh darn. Well you knew what I meant.


  6. Oh wait your avatar keeps changing pix.

    Anyway, before I realized that, I came in here to praise you for the fact that it was Rei!

  7. Oh, no, I'm not the leader of my branch of staff; I have others I report to. I'm just the only reporter without another staff position. (So does that mean I'm not eligible for anything else or just haven't accepted any other position?)

  8. Oh.

    What's so funny?

    (Besides life itself.)

  9. Oi. AIM for like 5 minutes?

  10. OK, I'll go comment on your guys' posts, but I didn't think there was anything to comment on.

    *makes note not to comment on Saoerann's post*

  11. OK, so, hey, you need to look at me editing your comment in my blog, please. For clarification.

  12. OK, then!


    (On that note, I better check if my library has manga #15)

  13. OK. I've watched the first two episodes but I guess I'll just snag season 3.

  14. Oops. (and I'm an English major...)

  15. Pro-Fairy rally in my blog.

  16. pro-fairy rally in my blog.

  17. Pro-Fairy rally in my blog.

  18. pro-fairy rally in my blog

  19. Prom is tomorrow!!!

    *Is glad I can add !'s because I'm too tired to get real excited in real life*

    Senior Skip Day tomorrow!

    Speed Racer tomorrow!

    Lego Store tomorrow!

    What are you doing tomorrow?!?!

    Did I get something started?

  20. River Tam rocks.

  21. Same way I felt back in July: Whoa, cool.

    (As well as, "Shoot, if I get any other sort of promotion I'll no longer stand out.")

  22. Should have added you a while ago....

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