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Artemis Centauri Fowl II

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Everything posted by Artemis Centauri Fowl II

  1. MIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUZ BACKZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws up grenades in air, creating fireworks* WOOHOO!!! NAtalie Horler is gonna kick your tushie!

  2. ... Ok Seeya around. Oh! It's your birthday? HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!! *pulls out enormous cake* HERE YA GO!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. Man. BZPower is getting boring, without me having an epic battle with Mixar...

  4. ............. Wow, my page is quiet.

  5. KUTGW= Keep Up The Great Work. ALso, you should respond to people's comments in THIER comment box. Still... KUTGW! ^-^

  6. Hey. You have a RPG? If so, may I join?

  7. .......... Nice personal pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Watcha doin' round ma.h page y'all?

  9. (continued from last comment)...ve them!


  10. .-_.- Glad you're having fun. *spits out mud* Enjoy it while it lasts. *falls over covered in mud, unconscious * . *gets up* Ow. *falls over again*

  11. WAAHH!?!?!!? OH YA? O RLY?

  12. WOOPERS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!! Watcha doing' round m.ah page?

  13. Hello! How are you on this fine day for BZPower?

  14. Obviously, you are not 5. I mean seriously! EVERYONE knows your 6!

  15. .....Hello! What brings you by my page? Curiosity?

  16. 8D *gobbles up all the cookies* HA! NONE FOR YOU! Mr. Words! YOU WAS TOO Slow! *You are struck with lightning, and you fall into a mud puddle, then gets severely burnt!* OOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *fallas over into mud puddle, badly burnt* >8'O

  17. Forgiveness! ~!*hugs Iggy, but he blasts me back* ......... or not. Ouchies. *rubs head* He's mean! *runs to corner crying* MAMA!!!!!!!!!!! *plays with truck* VROOM! *Man this kid is weird...... * STUPID WORDS! *Hey, kid. We control your every being.* ..........Oh. I love you Mr. Words! *You better*

  18. *does crazy dance* YAYZ! COOKIES ARE FALLIN FROM DAH SKY!!!!!!!!!!!! *eats all the cookies* YAYZ! *picks up Iggy, and randomly throws him into the pit, where he mutates with Nocutrn, making a super stupid great being*

    Me: ........... Maybe I shouldn't have done that..... Oh well! MORE COOKIES FOR ME!!!!!!&

  19. hmmmm....... *take sIggy, shoves the chill pills down his throat, and close his mouth as he chokes* There Iggy! Now you won't have to eat pie!


  20. Hey! Long time no see.......... kinda. How have you been doing? I almost missed 2 chapters o ADITLOT. KUTGW!

  21. Oooh! Yayz! *grabs cookie and eats it* More? *looks up with big puppy dog eyes*

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