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Blog Comments posted by pompomperson

  1. I know I have been playing for 5, just not the online, the actual little ships.


    of what I've heard from my venue friends and some sites

    "total waste of money" I've looked at the site(SOE) a few times but from the people that play it, said its turn based, as in shoot, move, explore, or tow. That is a turn. With the software that SOE uses, it allows players to "cheat" if you will, around the corners. In that they allow you to use a 5sat. Maybe its changed since Disney bought over the rest of the license and now they aren't affiliated with wizkids. with that SOE, had full control of the CSG version of pirates with Disney changing the gameplay. there we where both right in a sense but there is never going to be any right answer in this argument since we both have legit cases so point is moot


    EDIT gah! first sentence didn't make sense

  2. lol wait till someone with a sub semo or the harbinger comes in. oh and if there use the 5sat they'll kill you in one turn and tow you back to their home island and control you after your first turn its a nasty sight with all the little exploits wizkids puts out these days. in any case happy sailing!




    You realize that made no sense whatsoever in this game. Know what you talk about before you talk about it. ;)


    thats the sad part i do realize even much more so ive been playing for 5 years, and example


    bfa's ship first turn- takes off of home island


    opponent- harbinger with davy jones, the inquistidor, captian, alacairo castro, admiral castro. also a reroller. crimson angel(f+s) and a SAC captian like blackheart plus jonah for good measurel. helmsman oarsman oarsman oarsman(NV)




    there turn uses actions and sails across the board, rerolls if needed. sacs all oarsman using blackheart and takes ship under tow immedietly. bfa's ship is now the opponents. behemoth copies the abiliteis and does the same thing to anything else is on the board and game over befor bfa can take second turn.


    thats how you win the local tourney and how it gots me my other sub


    lol wow did i actually type that?

  3. I haz frigate.


    Do u haz gunz? :P

    I has galleon. :/


    lol use the kraken

    hay I just started last night stop making me feel liek a noob ;_;

    if you can get paradis de la mer best fort in the game forify it with le bonaparte and add the harbinger for some fun

    btw this is with the little actual ships like i said the online is bad unless you like potc fleets which are only pirate and english u need moar french!11


    (imma havin fun)


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