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mistking mistika

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Status Updates posted by mistking mistika

  1. Long time no see. How's it going?

  2. Nothing much. haven't been on BZP for awhile. So what's up with you?

  3. *Calls in the giant mechanical hawk loaded with bombs and multi lock on missiles, bomb resistance armor and powerful wings*

  4. *My giant robot dog has bomb resistance armor* HA HA HA HA


  5. Everything is good. Just fighting a war with another member.

  6. *Dogs,cats,and hawks go flying, chaos everywhere, but then we all hear a rumble and a giant mechanical dog come to the battlefield, more chaos*


  7. *Calling all dogs and hawks, each equip with special armor with built in weapons, they all charge toward your army, FIGHT!*

  8. *Calling in the pros, hawks with flamethrowers and dogs with lock on multi-missiles*

  9. *Calling in the tanks and jets. "Fire at will!!!!

    Also use the giant ram and ram through the army of cats*



  10. *My hawks are too fast dodging all attacks. Some hawks are carrying my dogs and throw them at high speed toward your cats and my other dogs bring in the giant ram*


  11. Whats a Hobbes?

    Anyway *My dogs call in reinforcements. Swarms of hawks attack you cats and hobbes*

  12. *My profile is quickly cleaned by my dogs and they launch several water balloons that cover the sky, turning the sky dark with water balloons*


  13. Yes we shall continue our battle. I believe it is your turn.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Sorry is I'm a little late.


  15. *Dogs also send in a Thanksgiving bomb*


  16. *My dogs avoid and bombs and call on the giant catapult, firing giant water balloons at your cats*

    Ha Ha Ha =D

  17. I'm going to post this again.

    *My dogs dig underground and avoids the bombs and then suddenly pop up right in front of your cats and attack them*


  18. *Dogs dig underground and avoid the bombs and then suddenly pop up right in front of the cats, they then attack*

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