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Status Updates posted by Arkatox

  1. Nice name. I like Link better though.

  2. Nice presonal pic =D !

  3. Nice t'meet you too! Oh, maybe I should talk in simple english.

  4. nice thery. but the toa ignika did not encounter the Makuta Mistika because I read shadows in the sky, and the Toa Ignika goes strait from the swamp to where the Toa Nuva were.

  5. Nice website! I posted in the forums. (My Freewebs name is Arkatox)

  6. No, he hasn't read Green yet. I haven't either, unfortunately. He told me in an email conversation that he's only read the Circle Trilogy (which is a good series to start Dekker's books with), but he wants to read more.

  7. Not bad, how are you?

  8. NOTE TO EVERYONE VIEWING MY PROFILE: I've just recently made a major update to my interests section, so take your time to read it, if you feel like it.

  9. Note: I'll probably have Songs of the Week #7 and #8 up this afternoon. It's really easy to get behind with these things.

  10. Now that you have a PM system? You mean you coudn't send PMs, then you could? I can't send PMs! how can I get a system?!?!?!?!?! (I'm very very very very very desperite)

  11. Oh btw, your profile picture is cool. :)

  12. Oh drat! Note to people: I haven't updated the Songs of the Week section in like a month or two or three, so I'll be adding quite a few songs sometime soon.

  13. Oh guess what, Zahaki? You're going to be a general in The Past 'cause of your new username!

  14. Oh yeah, I remember that one. I actully liked it better than the other one.

  15. Oh, and also, nice avatar. (I can't believe that I've never said that to you before)

  16. Oh, and by the way, happy late New Year!

  17. Oh, and by the way, nive MOCs. You're good at making female poses.

  18. Oh, and I forgot to tell you, Zarnax has orders from Miserix to Creat a organization and put spies in the Dark Hunters and Brotherhood of Makuta. Now that Miserix is gone, Zarnax continued to run the org. and Teridax doesn't even know that he's a spie in the BoM.

  19. Oh, and I really didn't like Dream Theater much at first either, becuase the singer is so . . . different. He sounds cool once you get used to him, though.

  20. Oh, and I say Green is depressing because of [insert spoiler] when [insert insane spoiler]. And that . . . Uh, [insert another insane spoiler] and, well, you get the big idea.

  21. Oh, btw, Green was depressing.

  22. Oh, btw, I love your website link.

  23. Oh, I think I've heard of it. Could you PM me a link?

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