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Status Updates posted by Xethaios

  1. Thanks, but I meant in the universe, I was asking if they read books.

    I'll take them to the EMD.

    Thank you for your time,

    Toa Hethos

  2. I know this is kind of late, but...

    1) can I create the element of energy?

    2) are there books in the EM?

    btw, nice writing on Safety in Numbers.

  3. So basically, in your intrests section, you wonder why people try to tell others what to do, and how to do it?

    It also says we should be our own person, to me.

    btw, nice art. your page is in my favorites.

  4. Happy birthday! THe sum of the digits of your age now equals 10! YAY!

  5. Long time, no see!

    How you doing?

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