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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. wow lucky i'd love to be homeschooled, but i think it is too late now, i only have 3 weeks

  2. Thanks for answering my question. the election is portrayed so different, to how you described, here. Yeah i'm thinking something to do with reptiles or something in the marine industry, but i have the rest of my life to think about that, i'm not rushing into that now

  3. Tell me about it, I can hardly even get on at some times, it is really frustrating.

  4. hey check out my brickshelf, im not sure if it is up but here is the link


  5. Pretty good, yesterday I caught a pink tongued skink, but I let it go because I couldn't put him anywhere. I've also trained my other two lizards to eat and drink out of my hand. And how are you?

  6. Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays.

  7. Thanks for replying, hope to see you soon

  8. Yeah I always had to wait ages for them to come out because my parents wouldn't pay full price for them, but now that I'm working I have an account that is purely for LEGO.

  9. Thanks for visiting my profile

  10. It was awesome, the best movie I have seen this year.

  11. G'day how are things? not much happened here, apart from finishing off my bionicle collection by getting the T9 and T6. Congratulations on the new President

  12. What did you think of Transformers 2?

  13. I have finally made a list of all the sets I have, go check them out in my profile.

  14. Same here, I haven't been able to get on BZP because it is running slow for me too. I haven't read the Lord of the Rings books yet but I do plan too, and I have only ever watched the movies once. They were pretty good I have to admit.

  15. Nothing much, mostly working, it was school holidays last week and I worked almost everyday, I also replayed LEGO Indiana Jones a second time and finished it 2 days ago, and as I am posting this I just came home from my late shift at work. Ok enough about me, how about you?

  16. I have finally made a list of all the sets I have, go check them out in my profile.

  17. wow that halloween pic of you gives tina fey a run for her money. i didnt see it larger.

  18. Whoo done, it was easier than I initially thought. Yeah he has almost completely shed his skin.

  19. thanks for visiting my profile, btw are you from Australia

  20. Yeah once I changed from windows to Apple I never looked back, I can't even remember how to use it anymore.

  21. Yeah the last day of school and my graduation is the 20th, and i think i want to go into one of the sciences, i dont know. sorry for the late reply

  22. Well keep at least $250, for the sets and when they come out, shop around to find the cheapest store that has them. Big W would probably be the cheapest, although they will get them a lot later than other department and toy stores.

  23. Thanks for visiting my profile

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