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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. Thanks, it is a really awesome set.

  2. thankyou for visiting my profile, Aussie Tahu

  3. thankyou for visiting my profile

  4. that deserves five stars

  5. that takanuva pic is epic win, good job

  6. That would be cool, so have you decided yet if you are going to buy them yet

  7. Thats cool, good luck with the election

  8. Thats good to hear, I had my orientation for my job today. It went well and I start as a trainee tomorrow from 6 till midnight, should be good. Well thats al the new news from me.

  9. Thats great to hear that they are finally filtering into the Australian Market.

  10. the gears underneath your name represent your status, at the moment you are a Turaga, and Welcome to BZPower

  11. They're all pretty cool, Mata Nui is my favourite, but it really depends on which one you like.

  12. thx for visiting my profile, nice interests,

    you have asperger's syndrome, you must be pretty smart then

  13. thx for visiting my profile

  14. thx for visiting my profile

  15. thx for visiting my profile

  16. Tomorrow is Geography and Marine Studies, Thursday Chemistry, and i'll be DONE...

  17. Welcome to BZP and thanks for visiting my profile

  18. Welcome to BZPower, Thank you for visiting my profile

  19. welcome to Bzpower, Thanks for visiting my profile

  20. Well Happy Birthday to him.

  21. well it said it was 12:23 here, lol

  22. Well keep at least $250, for the sets and when they come out, shop around to find the cheapest store that has them. Big W would probably be the cheapest, although they will get them a lot later than other department and toy stores.

  23. Well that was hard. Maths is not my best subject. 2 down 3 to go.

  24. Well, I had it first, lol.

    My real name is Aidan if you were wondering.

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