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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. I would go for Gresh or Skrall first, but that is my opinion.

  2. I'm fine thank you, I recently got a job, so I haven't spent as much time on BZP as I would like, and how are you.

  3. I'm fine, only one more week left of school, there is nothing much really to say, apart from that my blue tongued lizard is shedding his skin.

  4. I'm good, I just finished off my BIONICLE collection, you can check it out on my profile.

  5. I'm not going on a holiday so I can get the UCS Millennium Falcon.

  6. I'm sorry, could you please explain?

  7. I'm sorry, unfortunately I do not know how to do any of that stuff.

  8. I'm well thanks, how have you been?

  9. I've been on eBay buying sets I don't have check out my list on my profile, I just recently bought the Boxor, Takua and Pewku, and the 2003 Matoran.

  10. I've been working mostly, I also expanded my Bionicle collection, you can see how many I have in my profile.

  11. I've uploaded my Glatorian photos to my brickshelf go check them out when the are public

  12. It is good better than the others, though it didn't reveal many of the secrets I wanted to know.

  13. It is raining here now, and I didn't realize how many Aussies are on this site. I gave you 5* and could I add you to my friends

  14. It usually depends what sports are on, I like both.

  15. It was awesome, the best movie I have seen this year.

  16. It's funny you say that because I have just been studying for it.

    Here is my Exam schedule for this week:

    Monday: Biology Exam

    Tuesday: Maths Exam

    Wednesday: Geography and Marine Studies Exams

    Thursday: Chemistry Exam

    Yeah all in a row, and first up in the morning, I'll be dead by the end of it

  17. It's one of the new 27 inch iMac's, it cost me a heap but I love Apple computers.

  18. It's your choice, you just have to find a good job that you enjoy doing. I work at my local cinemas, and it's great there.

  19. Just dropping by to say hi

  20. Just dropping by to say hi

  21. Just want to say thanks for defending me in the reputation topic

  22. lol, almost every topic i go on so far i have at least seen you in every one

  23. Look at it this way. Do you really want them that badly now, and by the way if you order them now you will still have to wait up to at least 18 days for them to arrive, that will be the 29th, and they are coming out in February, so it wouldn't be too long before they are out after that. And it was worth it for me because I ordered them at the end of last year, so overall if I were you, I would

  24. Look at the section in my profile for the ones I still have to acquire.

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