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Bilbo Baggins

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Status Updates posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. ....Ya know, the more I think about it, the more I realize what a weird expression that is. :P

    -toa mazo's sister

  2. 'Hey' to you too!

    -toa mazo's sister

  3. 'Kay. Does it matter how old he is? Like, do you care if he's the youngest, oldest, middle child, a twin or whatever?

  4. 'Member Interview Ten'? What's that?

    -toa mazo's sister

  5. 'Set your future'? What does that even mean? Anyways, about two weeks ago, I applied (or what ever you call it) for an account. I couldn't sign in though, so I sent the staff an e-mail asking for help. Haven't heard from 'em since. Blerg.

    -toa mazo's sister

  6. @ hawkfrost: I do that to make sure that people know it's me talking, and not Toa Mazo.

    -toa mazo's sister

  7. *dances with you* Boy, this thing with the forums is a disaster for me. COT was my only forum, and both Heroes and Outbreak got wiped out… Kinda a discouraging comeback :P

    -toa mazo’s sister

  8. *Hugs back* Good luck with whatever it is you do!

    -toa mazo's sister

  9. *Pops up randomly* Hi there! I just have to say, I really like your comedy, '52 pickup.'

    -toa mazo's sister

  10. *Quickly closes Google search window* Why would you even say that? I wouldn't DREAM of cheating. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get a new Pyrolon CRFR fire-resistant suit

    -toa mazo's sister

  11. *Sighs* Bye KCAI...

    -toa mazo's sister

  12. *sighs* Looks like we'll be starting again from scratch...

    -toa mazo's sister

  13. :D

    I've been friend listed? Awesome! *adds you to own imaginary list*

    -toa mazo's sister

  14. :P

    SO, whatdaya think of my wonderful new personal photo?

    -toa mazo's sister

  15. A Warriors epic? About the last RPG? I wanna read it!

    -toa mazo's sister

  16. Actually, I'm homeschooled too! I take online classes now though, and I'll probably go to public school in January.

    -toa mazo's sister

  17. Ah, I see.

    -toa mazo's sister

  18. Ah, yes. Don't we all, on some level?

    -toa mazo's sister

  19. Ah. I saw it on another site, and I've been wondering who it was since.

    -toa mazo's sister

  20. All right then. I'll let you know about my charrie as it gets developed.

    Oh, one thing. Is Thomas Oriental? I'll need to know for the description.

    -toa mazo's sister

  21. Alrighty then. Let me know how that works out. :)

    -toa mazo's sister

  22. Anything special about the clock in your personal pic?

    -toa mazo's sister

  23. Appearance= Like all Outbreaker children, Riko looks quite a bit older than she really is. While she’s really thirteen, she has the appearance of a girl in her mid teens. She has very light brown skin with a faint sprinkling of freckles across her face, and wide, almond-shaped brown eyes. Her hair is long and black, with a slightly coarse texture.

  24. Artemis Fowl, eh? I tried reading that series, but my dumb ol' library is missing the second book :P

    -toa mazo's sister

  25. Aw, but I'm no good at puzzles. D=

    -toa mazo's sister

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