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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. You have the Crystal Beasts?! Okay, I totally envy you now. I've been trying to make that deck, with limited success.

  2. What do you consider as "real music?" Does Linkin Park count?

  3. *throws guitar at MacGyvr because he took a bite out of my mask*

  4. . . . You have no idea what you just did.

    For you, PW3 just got MUCH worse.

  5. Happy stuff-your-face-day yourself. :D


  7. Arpy's the guy who took my picture at BrickCon. And yeah. A lot of people envy me for it. :P

  8. I inhaled them. Rread Twilight in a day, and the others took even less time. You mean Arpy, right?

  9. No. Everyone has preferances. But what did they say about it?

  10. You live in San Diego?!? That's where I went for vacation both times! Maybe we saw each other at some point. o.0

  11. Good boy. You live in California?!? I've been there twice, but I totally envy you.

  12. Hey there. Welcome to BZP!

    -Inferna Firesword

  13. Matau is my fav Toa. Need I say more? You ought to check out my library so you can read the story I wrote about it. :)

  14. What I meant was that the audience made me crack up during the movie. LOL

  15. I thought it was well worth standing in line for an hour! It did have funny moments, but the audience I watched it with caused a bit of it.

  16. About the Nuparu/Kopeke topic. . .

    "You stole my pants!" = EPIC WIN. LOL

  17. Pokemon fan? You just made it onto my awesome list. :)

  18. I don't think so. I wasn't even aware that you had one!

  19. O RLY? I had no idea you considered me your rival . . .

    JK. But we sure do have a lot in common!

  20. *chucks random jar of dirt at Jack Sparrow*

    Wait, that has the heart! NOOO!

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