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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. I'm one of your idols?!?

    *falls over in a dead faint*

  2. New chapter in LoFaW! but you already know that . . . don't you?

  3. *Sips iced coffee* Thanks for the warning. *moves breakables to another room and locks door* BTW, Akaku's written his own Prank wars fic.

  4. Yo! The next 2 chapters of Legacy are up! Better read them fast!

  5. Don't listen to Akaku, he's just paranoid. I still want my coffee.

  6. You are now rated at three stars, courtasy of yours truly. :D Wanna be friends?

  7. I want the new chapter.


  8. Reviewed your SS stories, but got lost in CoT.

    BTW, if you're at Starbucks, think you can get me a hazelnut latte? Decaf, please.

  9. I reconize the quote. Still makes me LOL.


  10. Hey, Akaku was the one who stole the mallet, not me. I know that quote, BTW. It still makes me LOL.

  11. *checks her MP3* What do you mean by that? Did Linkin Park and Trapt go out of style or something?

  12. Ooookkkkaaaayyyy . . .

    *akward silence*

  13. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. 'Cuz Samhain sounds cooler.

  15. What do you mean about #13? *is a bit confused*

  16. Where are you?!?! I finished that songfic request you won, and you haven't even replied!!!!

  17. Rays lost the World Series. Curse the Philles to Karzanhi!

  18. Black Cat (me) is only temporary, and I will leave once Inferna comes back from her Samhain vacation.

  19. Look at the next segment in Myth Busters. Did you know anyhing about that?

  20. Ahh! It's the Black King of Alagaesia! *takes out sword, hops onto dragon*

    Kidding! :P

  21. Hello! I saw you at BrickCon, didn't I?

  22. Where are you, Kagha? I'm about ready to post Chapter 3 in my new epic! I need your reveiws!

  23. Good to have met you at BrickCon, Arpy! Wish you could've met Zen. (My little bro, also a member.)

  24. Hey Skotos... know what?

    New Chapter's up!

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