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Status Updates posted by M.I.A

  1. Why do people say welcome when he hasn't been on in 6 years?

  2. Guys, he hasn't been on in 3 and a half years!

  3. I don't think so, he hasn't even come on yet.

  4. *Sigh* So many lost people.

  5. Okay, just want to see how many letters I can use, so please excuse the following. sfidlhfheuifhasklefhsuiehfsajehfuisahdfjkashdiufwhaelkfjaseuilfhasdkljfhwieulfhksjlduidhldjkhfwehfilasdghfuiqweghfaskdghfzkidhgfpehweiufashkdflwghqeuigfskdwuiefhsidflhwefuihsaeuif hweouy weu fywuiefh uweuifh weuif hywuiefh weuif weuifh weuklfhwiqeufhkasluefhaseuif hasuifhyuiwehfzlskegfuiasegfsekfguisdhffffffffffffff

  6. And that is the first time I've said LOL online.

  7. Your character acts like a old women. LOL

  8. Well, I think you like dinasaurs, seeming as you are one in the Heroes forever RPG.

  9. What does that mean?

  10. Yes, Yes I did. How do you like my new name change?

  11. What interent? I'm on a radio active computer being hooked to the outside networks by a brain helmet and am controling every last thing I do on here with my head!

  12. So Im only fun to be around, thats cold:(

  13. What are you talking about?

  14. Sorry bout what? I just can't play it anymore, I just don't care about it anymore. :)

    I like the rebels best!

  15. Finally, the bionicle mafia game is et to begin soon!

  16. Lucky ._., you get all the visitors.

  17. Hmmmm, ther's got to be some secret. I shall look into this matter.;)

  18. Why are you so popular? How do you get so many visitors?

  19. Why are all of her visitors boys?

    This is not the way it is supposed to be!

  20. Don't worry, She doesn't make any topics. She is very weird, I should know.:P

  21. Not much, I've been busy moping about my Midterms. That's all. :(

  22. Mine is defiantely What I've Done.

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