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Status Updates posted by Carnifex

  1. Oh noes! You're older then me until November!

  2. Oh yeah, check out my art topic! I can get you on the request list if you want. :)

  3. Oh yeah. How old is Cat because I forgot? and dnot how we look, I mean like our minds.

  4. Oh, I see. :P

    I actually like the new ones quite abit. Not shovelware.

  5. Oh. Do you think that you could send me that charrie outline so i can work on mine? oh and yours a boy or girl?

  6. Okay My bios are 100% done.

  7. Okay. I fixed Shun so he is more about mind reading. I need Riku and Cat's bios to finish mine though. Do u think u could put it in your interests?

  8. Okay. Ill beOutbreaking soon. Oh yeah, check out my art topic!

  9. Okay. Shuns 19 and Rikus 18

  10. OMG! My bios too big and i cant pm u!



    Do you wanna coordinate characters again with Riko and Shun?

  13. Personality= Cold and calculating to anyone but his friends. Very protective of Catlin Okello, his wife. A fierce fighter.


  14. Please bring back BZProvince!

    It'd be perfect for the theme!

  15. Please. CHeck. BzProvince. You will be shocked at we you will read from what I did. Not really, actually. Less shocked from Akaku's tazer. :P

  16. Really?

    I'll try.

    And it means "I am a"

  17. Sisen, can you check the BZProvince Charrie topic? I edited my charrie's stuff; just need you to approve.

  18. Sisen, I need you to approve my edited charrie. Please? Oh and sorry for bothering you. :P

  19. So how do you wanna do our charries for Outbreak III?

  20. Sorry, Midnight Sun. Been bust. Any place for me to pop up in Outbreak?

  21. Sorry. I meant interests ection, not personal statement.

  22. Sure. Im being hunted by my nemesis in like 2 rpgs.

  23. Thanks TMS. Yes that is my hair. Rather erratic.

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