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Status Updates posted by ThatHoboMan

  1. BTW I like CP.

  2. halo..odst...COMEOUT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!

  3. YAY! Pokeonicles is closed!

  4. YAY! Pokeionicles is closed.

  5. Uh..Thanks for the..uh..dog..food. Yes, I was useing your squiddy. He is quite ownage ownedage. And cute.


  7. That Death Note banner is not aloud on BZPower, it is to big. (And really stupid.)

  8. Thank you, kitty-kitty-bang-bang. Let me get things straight...I am a communist for getting a terrible topic closed..on a kid's website for Bionicle. Did I get that right? *Canama* Yes, I am very happy, thanks for asking.

  9. WOW your sig is dumb. I'm tired of all the people obsessed with this rap ######.

  10. Did he leave BZP?

  11. Your in box is fullz!

  12. Uh...I can haz job? Read my message? Respond?

  13. I'll get moar peepz. I can be co-auther? =) *I am speaking in noooob luange.* lol

  14. Hi! How are you doing?

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