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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. Yes, I like Pokemon, and that is why you have all these people? :S Whatever suits you best, I guess.

  2. Hey!!! Welcome to BZP... I feel like I'm late for the party... -_- lolz Wait a minute... why yous eatin' my pie? Nooooooo!!!!! *goes to check on pie* XD

  3. lol, yeah. You also got Jordboy 1?!?! How you get all these people??? XD

  4. which game? there are alot of them now...

  5. pocketmouse Is your friend too? Wow, that is cool

  6. I don't know... I have alot of fav teams.

  7. What about Naruto, or Bleach? And, you should watch Gamera at least once, you can find; yes!!! USA at 71!!!!! Haha!

  8. Hmmmm... Yes!!! Yes, I like the Olympics. They are awesome! Do you?

  9. Yesssssss!!! And, that's cool... ever heard of Gamera? Giant turtle.

  10. Sooo... that would be New york then?

  11. Hey dude, wazzup!!! I like your character in the RPG!!!! Just gets awesomer, and awesomer with every post!!! :)

  12. Yes you do, and which Godzilla do ya like? There are 3: japanese, new york, and the american tv show one.

  13. Yeah... you a fan of Godzilla?

  14. No, but that is real, it's godzillaking189@gmail.com. Then people could email me if they wanted to.

  15. Welcome to BZP!!!! You is a Megaman fan too?!? Yay! Who is your fav charcter, besides Megaman of course? Mine is Omega-Xis. Thx for reading

  16. ...click on that, then a menu should come down, and just click on members topics, and look for the adventures of Makuta Sarixx and Xalkith. Then you is all set! :D

  17. ... You click on any of my topics, and go over to where you see my name in the topic...

  18. Really? tch, tch, tch. Have you read my epic? Makuta Sarixx, and Makuta Xalkith one. To get there...

  19. *looks on interests* I heard you like to hug trees... cool!!! Trees are important to our environment!!! And you are off... which means that you'll get this when you get back on.

  20. Don't do that!!!! It bad for you!! You needs your sleeps!!!!!!!!!

  21. Hello! This is my first comment on your page... I think? Sooooo... ummm... run away!!!! Thx for reading

  22. OMG... you have moer friends than me when I was new!!!! Why didn't anyone do that for me?!?! Lol

  23. ROFL=Rolling On the Floor Laughing, and Imma just chatting with random people... just like you!!! *points at you* XD lolz

  24. You four star now!!!!!! *disappears without a trace* XD

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