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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. (at least mine is the longest so far) rofl XD

  2. Awww Man!!! I missed being the first one!! Lolz Hi! Welcome to BZP, we hope you enjoy your stay here, and also remind you that you should have as much fun as possible! :D Thx for reading

  3. Now waffles are gonna be hard to get! XD rofl >_

  4. XD That is why I also bring you a cow... or you can have 3 pitchers of milk. ROFL

  5. Hey dude, how's it going?

  6. WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOOOOW!!!!! That is how excited I get when I gets a new friend! :) Thank you!! * gives you a basket of assorted cookies, and candy. as well as a homemade pie* ^_^

  7. Your very welcome! Wanna be friends?

  8. Have you ever heard of Red vs Blue? It is so fuuny, especially the Reconstruction series that just came out. XD

  9. First, thank you for the cookie! *munch, munch* Second, I would wish you luck, but apparently it's bad luck to say good luck, so break a leg!!! ...Not literally of course!!! now then, if you'll excuse me, Imma eat my cookie and pie!!! *munch, slice, munch* lolz Thx for reading

  10. ????? *gets REALLY confused* WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Lolz, ROFL, XD

  11. Hey, wazzup? Are you new? Nah... Anyways, Dragon Guardian is awesome!!!! I like it bunches!!! :D

  12. ? Can I have a pie? PLEAAAAASSSE! Thx for reading

  13. I don't know if you read your post in my topic,(the bionicle ad one), but if you haven't, you should read. :)

  14. I don't get what you said? :B

  15. Also, I think that your character IC in the Bleach RPG is AWESOME!!!!!! I just wish my guy could be there too... Thx for reading

  16. Cool... lol I forgot to ask before, who is that as your avatar?

  17. Another new Etna pic? lolz

  18. You upgrade pic of Etna again? cool... it is nice. :)

  19. I was going to ask you something, but nevermind... Thx for reading

  20. Lol Yes, the Cheif will always be #1!!!!!!! lol

  21. Ok, now I get it. But still... Master Cheif will be missed........ Oh!!! You know what would be really funny? A dancing Arbiter or Elite!!!!! XD rofl

  22. ... I see. Well, I heard the pic has some "controversey" to it. Could you clarify?

  23. Now, why wouldn't I post in your epic? (that means yes) :B lolz

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